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What does Personal science mean?

About half way through my life the churches stopped saying that they ‘ sold ’ religion and put the emphasis on FAITH. There are many reasons for this change but the main reason could have been the start of the decline in church attendance. It took the next quarter of my life to realize that faith was not exclusive to religion but was a Human construct which meant “ Belief without evidence ” . We ALL use it. This meant that the churches no longer had to work hard at covering up any lack of evidence .

It also meant that they were giving each person who was religious the responsibility for protecting the FAITH of the religions . This showed up in individuals saying “I do not care whatever you say about science and evidence I am going to stick to my FAITH whatever.” They were saying “ No matter how bad my religion is being at protecting the religion , then I will stick to my personal FAITH.” … using their personal sovereignty and ’ spirit ’.

I have for several years now been trying to accustom NON religious people to the phrases ‘ PERSONAL SCIENCE ‘ and ‘ OWN YOUR OWN SCIENCE ’.

Could you please tell me what you now believe is meant by ‘ PERSONAL SCIENCE ‘ and ‘ OWN YOUR OWN SCIENCE ’. If you think my question is too difficult or too easy then please think of what you would say to a seven year old relative to explain its meaning.

I am just trying to get PERSONAL SCIENCE as powerful as PERSONAL (wrongly applied) FAITH obviously was.

Mcfluwster 7 June 30
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Perhaps 'personal science' refers to the scientific theories or hypotheses that are favored by the individual. A few people have an interest in the 'Electric Universe' paradigm. Also, string theory supposedly comes in many forms.

racocn8 Level 9 June 30, 2024

Science comes from the Latin for knowledge. Knowledge is the opposite of belief. Knowledge requires facts and as you say, belief requires only faith.
We know facts because of evidence, the scientific method. Observation, measurement and repeatable results. We all do it anyway unconsciously. Eg A toddler puts their hand in the fire, owch!. They then think (belief) the fire is hot but try once more to be sure..............ouch! (repeated result). Now they don't think the fire is hot, they know it is.
That's what personal science is, what you learn from personal experience through the scientific method. By testing, controlling environments and what works repeatedly, you know it works. No faith required.
If you can separate what you know from what you believe you know, you can still have faith in what you believe you know. Best to be open to change when new evidence comes along.

puff Level 8 June 30, 2024

A very complete and engaging answer Well Done!!!

@Mcfluwster It's why Fauci pisses me off. He is of the opinion that he shouldn't be questioned, that he is the final word on science. The truth is science demands to be challenged ie the easiest way to earn a Nobel prize is to disprove an established scientific theory.

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