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20% of Tennesseans believe Creationism should not be taught in public schools. Only. 20. Percent.

Pleurocera 4 Aug 18
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That's pretty good! I believe it has increased by 2%! Progress.


I've read the other comments. At least you folks don't have a giant publicly funded creationist boat & museum like we do here in Kentucky.

RodneyJ Level 5 Jan 18, 2020

Only science of evolution should be taught in schools. If creationists want their children to be taught creationism, that should only be done in their Sunday schools. Where I don't pay for it, and it's not forced on impressionable minds.

RodneyJ Level 5 Jan 18, 2020

Not convinced its only 20%


I am among the 20% of Tennesseans.


Rhea County Courthouse is ground zero for rifle toting bible thumping enemies of science


Remember Tipper Gore was labeling all music albums/covers to warn both kids and parents....Ten AH sea ....Volunteer state


I know, that’s nuts. I’m a transplant here, and love the lakes, mountains and Music. But I have a hard time living among people who don’t believe in evolution and still say prayers before every event in PUBLIC schools. I started dating a very attractive and successful woman that I was interested in, and on the third date she told me she didn’t believe in evolution. Her exact words were “You might have come from a monkey, but I didn’t”. What am I supposed to do with that?

Jprice422 Level 4 Aug 19, 2018

Explain to her that when the evolution tree branches it is the start of profound changes mainly due to random gene changes so that both branches from then on are profoundly different in many respects . The branching took place so long ago that the two branches whilst retaking a few common characteristics can in no way said to be related except through that far distant evolutionary shake up.
You can however continue to 'monkey around' with her and neither of you would have any fears about your offspring because you have no monkey genes to pass on.

I had that from a lady. So I said. Camel, cow, rabbit ? Sadly she did not think it was funny.

Big hair big tits big purse little brain


They are probably the same percentage that has any rational understanding of evolution.

Heraclitus Level 8 Aug 19, 2018
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