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Does the fact that you are agnostic with regard to religion make its way into effecting your everyday life? If you get a problem where you “Just do not know the answer” how do you tackle the problem? Is it the same as how you tackle religion?

My belief is that to tackle ANY problem, religion included, one uses, for the most effective result, science. Further we need all to tackle the access of everyone to science …

Mcflewster 8 Mar 28
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I do not waste time "tackling" religion, not for 50 ++ years now. WTH would i?

AnneWimsey Level 9 Feb 17, 2020

I have no answer to that without taking away your freedom. I will just say that everyone CAN help (I believe).


In regard to your question, I am also very agnostic about the small stuff.

Lorajay Level 9 Feb 17, 2020

I have used enough science to tackle the religion problem, that I call myself an atheist rather than an agnostic. Sure, it is possible that I have overlooked some evidence that could change my mind, but until it comes to my attention, I am an atheist. 🙂


I share your strategy to use science to tackle the issue. It makes sense to me but then again, I am not brainwashed. Religion is an easy out and permits the religious to ignore the problem. However, the religious use and depend on science more than they believe.


Not a day goes by that I don't encounter a problem where I "just do not know the answer" - so I put some effort into finding an answer or an appropriate, logical, and fact-based way of responding to it. The alternative is to take the religious path, which is to assert that I have the answer for everything, regardless of how badly it turns out most of the time and claim spirits are behind the bad results.

chilehead9 Level 7 Mar 29, 2019

This is a very level headed and easy to read answer. Well done.


Religion; myth based. Science Fact based.

Myths; entertaining...satisfying ....good explanations of phenomena for the uneducated or naive. It worked for our ancestors.

Science; entertaining - satisfying - good explanations of phenomena for the learned, wise, smart. It works today.

Religion; We live forever.
Science; this is it; Life is short....a brief visit with reality. Dust to dust.

That's the reason Religion is still popular. It gives many an illusion of immortality.

I know; there's lots of logic to falling in to the #religulous myths.

Many good people do.

Don't hate them, Don't fear them.

Empathize. They're suffering a complex delusion based on tradition.

Don't feel badly for the coming end. Rejoice being alive while you can.

Robecology Level 9 Mar 28, 2019

"good explanations of phenomena" What are your criteria for 'good'? Miracles NOT accepted.

Religion; We live forever.......................WHAT a claim to leave unproven!
Science; this is it; Life is short...................So make the best of this short life instead of spreading hope that will not be fulfilled

@Mcflewster You're right; "good" not a good choice of about "socially acceptable or popular at the time?


education, particularly science education is the way to get effective results.

One gets education about anything not just the results of science by learning the scientific method. EDUCATION = SCIENCE method. Why does not every education start with science method? Well actually we are born with it , then it is squashed out and we have to re-instate it. Sad.

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