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Covid-19 and HIV Vaccine

Covid-19 is not up to a year but there's already a significant progress on it's vaccine. Why doesn't HIV have a vaccine after so many years?

dtruseeker 3 Sep 23
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Interesting answers. Thank you all

dtruseeker Level 3 Sep 24, 2020
  1. HIV attacks the immune system itself, it uses our mechanisms of defense to spread, that is why is difficult to make a vaccine. PLUS

  2. The genetic variety of corona in one country on the third month of the pandemy is equivalent of the variety in ONE person with HIV, so it is difficult to find a viral marker to develop some immunity.

Covid-19 vaccines were not developed from the scratch, they have the same basis of the sars and Mers that are other corona viruses already known that have high mortality but spread slower.

Pedrohbds Level 7 Sep 24, 2020

HIV's characteristic rapid mutation makes it very difficult to develop an effective vaccine against. You may be infected with one strain, and by the time you pass it on its already mutated.

Amzungu Level 8 Sep 23, 2020

There's a once-daily tablet (Biktarvy) that keeps HIV symptoms under control and does so well to reduce it in the blood so that even blood tests come up negative.

Here's the latest on COVID19 vaccines from a CDC scientist;

Robecology Level 9 Sep 23, 2020

Just watched the snippet and imo, Yes we need a Covid Vaccine BUT we need it to 100% Proven Safe and Effective and NOT a rushed job.
tRump has played electioneering politics with Covic ever since the Pandemic broke out and the U.S. Death Toll is at the 200K level so far, just how many more lives is his electioneering going cost?


From Wikipedia:
Classic vaccines mimic natural immunity against reinfection as seen in individuals recovered from infection; there are almost no recovered AIDS patients.[citation needed]
Most vaccines protect against disease, not against infection; HIV infection may remain latent for long periods before causing AIDS.
Most effective vaccines are whole-killed or live-attenuated organisms; killed HIV-1 does not retain antigenicity and the use of a live retrovirus vaccine raises safety issues.


Very different viruses in makeup and how they work

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 23, 2020

HIV attacks the immune system.. Covid doesn't...

Yes, HIV is much more difficult, because the Covid vaccine uses our own immune system against Covid, but our immune system can't be used against HIV or researchers don't know how.

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