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Quantum experiments have long demonstrated that subatomic particles somehow “know” about each other instantly, and at great distances. Standard model folk, aka Bangers, invented quantum entanglement to describe the phenomena. Electric Universe folk offer a very different perspective, easily understood with a bit of critical thinking.

In short, the speed of light limit imposed by the theory of relativity is not a universal speed limit.

If gravity were as slow as light:

  1. Earth would be attracted to where the sun was eight and a third minutes ago.
  2. Neptune would be attracted to where the sun was four and a fifth hours ago.
yvilletom 8 Feb 3
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Gravity has no speed.

Coffeo Level 8 Feb 3, 2021

The moon orbits our earth.

Imagine a straight line connecting the two.

That line moves, changing its direction.

Gravity acts along that line.

@yvilletom We've been here before. Gravity does not travel. It has no speed. It is not a force.


Arthur Eddington could have easily experimented and found that matter refracts light.

Instead, he ignored refraction and supported Einstein’s thought-experiment that matter causes space-time curvature.

@yvilletom The fact that matter refracts light has been known since ancient times, and was accurately described in Persia in the 10th century. Eddington's experiment was an observational test of general relativity. It had nothing to do with refraction. (The absence of dispersion rules out refraction as an explanation.)


Where the sun was? Isn't where the sun is, relative to an orbiting body, fixed as one of the two foci?

@p-nullifidian The solar system and those two foci all move, orbiting the galactic center.

Ask the internet how fast the solar system moves in its orbit.


Sound like you have the basis of a test there. How would we check whether the planets are experiencing gravity from the sun's current position or where it was previously? Has this been done?

MattHardy Level 7 Feb 3, 2021

Gravity’s existence would be posited.

Its direction would be hypothesized and tested. Good luck with that.


Two sources will keep you out of mischief for a while:

  1. Go to to view videos and read.
  2. Go to and download the free PDF file.
yvilletom Level 8 Feb 3, 2021
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