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Women are under represented as inventor, I bet this trend will be reversed in the coming years, what do you think?


Sadanty 5 July 2
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Fewer women are getting patents, because fewer women are inventing things. That's totally fair. Now, if women are not given jobs in STEM because they are women, despite being qualified, that's totally not fair. But, there needs to be more women interested in STEM subjects in order to be equally represented.

novoxguy Level 6 July 8, 2018

Unfortunately things are still not very fair for women. In relationships, women still do most of the childcare and housekeeping. []
They earn less than men: []
And face gender discrimination in the workplace: []

Most women don't have time to devote to inventions and when they do they aren't taken seriously or supported.

I agree with you, it is not easy, but personally, I have seen the number of patent applications I have drafted wherein at least one of the inventors is female gone up over the years. My ex-partner is an inventor, with several patents to her name, I see women making advances in this area.


Define “a few years”? Like a hundred?

ScientistV Level 7 July 2, 2018

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