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This is soft science but explains why I tell my sister about wind and solar power, she dismisses wind energy, by the fact that it can kill birds and ignores what pollution what coal pollution does to many animals: human and all other organisms. See link on Why We Believe in Alternative facts from APA below.


alanalorie 7 Sep 27
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Integrating renewable sources with the existing grids is a challenge, without cost effective energy storage options, since we can't control power supply with renewable sources. See the duck curve. Nuclear power is probably the best green alternative now.

Spongebob Level 7 Sep 27, 2018

The turbines do in fact kill birds (and bats) by the hundreds of thousands each year, but the impact of coal fired and natural gas power plants represents a greater risk to the bird population, due carbon emissions leading to climate change. Consider this: millions upon millions of birds are killed every year by flying into tall buildings, often at night. Some cities have begun to douse their lights after certain hours, but no one has seriously suggested we stop building high rises and skyscrapers on account of birds.


The number of birds killed annually by wind turbines is minuscule compared to the number of birds killed annually by both cats and collisions with cell towers. Many environmentalists also say wind power ultimately benefits birds.


Heraclitus Level 8 Sep 27, 2018

There are animal friendly turbines.

pixiedust Level 8 Sep 27, 2018

And them windturbines if you get to many of them land just takes off and fly's about killing den birds and when it's bit windy the land falls on other bits of land killing millions ....true story that !!!

Simon1 Level 7 Sep 27, 2018

And we are short on birds?

A university in CA, many years ago put the wind turbine in a migration route, that was not too bright.

However, someone in government points out birds as an example of why the U.S.A does not need wind turbines but is not much concerned about the roadrunner and other animals that will have their ecosystem disturbed by a HUGELY long wall.

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