10 9

For every year you breath the atmosphere, you take a year off your life.
Gotta love circular reasoning. 🙄

jenandjuice1111 7 May 30
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So my sleep apnea is making me live longer? Very cool....


Yes, I'd better stop breathing the atmosphere because it is making me get older.

So now I know what causes that, I am holding my breath.


Don’t hold your breath. 😎

I see what you did there! 🤣


It believe that if one is actually worried about getting to much oxygen they could get a tank of NH4 to help take the oxygen away. It is called being to stupid to live. Cull the herd!


False parallel.

We need our blood to get a good "rusting" change the O2 deficient "blueish" Hemoglobin (inside Red blood cells) to a bright rusty red in order to carry that O2 to our body cells. That's why our "veins" are bluish in color...they carry the O2 deficient RBC's back to the heart and lung for another dose.

But this form of iron is not pure (not "elemental" iron); so it has no magnetic properties.

Now; technically "oxidation" of our cells helps them work...but also helps them "age".

They sell "anti-oxidants" for a reason...and if we get a healthy dose of them (vitamin E, for example)

we're minizing the "oxidation" of our body cells while maximizing the energy output. So either make sure your diet is rich in anti-oxidants, or take a good's insurance against aging too fast.

Interesting side note; Hemoglobin and Chlorophyll are structurally identical; but the metal compound in Chorophyll is magnesium. Imagine if some mad scientist figured out a way for us to produce Chlorophyll...we wouldn't have to eat...just lay in the sun (of course, it would make our skin "green".)

Robecology Level 9 May 30, 2019

But, vaccines!!

@jenandjuice1111 ??? I don't get your comment?


And if you put the chain in Coca Cola it will come out shinny and bright , so maybe we should drink lots of Coke .

Besalbub Level 8 May 30, 2019

Oxygen is a waste product of photosynthesis. We evolved to live on a waste product.

Heraclitus Level 8 May 30, 2019

probably more like "plant farts" than poop!!


It has been proven beyond any doubt that every person that has ever existed and is now dead, used to breathe oxygen. Therefore, oxygen kills !!!!!!..... Be aware 😂😂😂😂

IamNobody Level 8 May 30, 2019

Hmmmmmm..... very good point.

@Science-guy It's not a point, it's a fact !!! ( A ridiculous fact but fact all the same ) 😂😂


Just call me Rusty.

Remowill Level 7 May 30, 2019

That's exactly what it does in our lungs - bonds to an iron atom.

MattHardy Level 7 May 30, 2019
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