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Happy Birthday Sir. Isaac Newton!

TristanNuvo 8 Dec 25
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Has anyone read either of the two recent popular texts about the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Sean Carroll's, Something Deeply Hidden or Smolin's, Einstein's Unfinished Revolution?

I have read both. I find Carroll's argument for Many Worlds persuasive but the arguments for space-time from QM wave functions is rather speculative, although I've heard similar things in String Theory Seminars. Smolin is taking Bohm's hidden variables theory from the 50s seriously with his own modifications based on quantum gravity as understood to-date. Smolin explains the issues more clearly, I believe, and Carroll makes a better justification his personal view.

Are there any other opinions or ideas at this site?

riehemr Level 2 Jan 12, 2020

I have celebrated Newton's (traditional) birthday since about 1980. Newton brings gifts, sometimes he leaves notes for the children. We read the (apocryphal) story about the apple and drop an apple on his head. Since Newton has a little Easter Bunny in him, he hides the gifts and the children search the house for them. I did this with my grandchildren this year.

riehemr Level 2 Jan 12, 2020

Now there's a man with gravitas! 🙂

Heraclitus Level 8 Dec 26, 2019

That's a good one. 🙂


Nice hair!!

Davekp Level 8 Dec 26, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 Dec 25, 2019

Newton was the last of the faithful scientist. He was a devout christian and follower of the church, his formulas HAD to show that god created a predictable universe. However , Einstein then came forward to show Newtonian Flaws and take us to the next stage of understanding. Just think how long Newtonian math survived, IT was pure genius to have come up with such accurate mathematics and yet Newton did, It was gravity that could not be accounted for within his perfect god like math.

EMC2 Level 8 Dec 25, 2019

Michael Faraday was a devout Christian as well. His math skills were non existant. But we still to this day use tech based on his discoveries. I kind of rank him fairly high, but that's JMHO.


And may we celebrate by discovering the retrograde of Mercury, We move onward with the greatest admiration for our deepest of thinkers.

EMC2 Level 8 Dec 25, 2019

Happy birthday to the one that changed the world !!

IamNobody Level 8 Dec 25, 2019


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