7 2

I went to town yesterday and people were panic buying again. Carts full of toilet paper and the meats and dairy shelves cleaned out , along with paper products of course. What's going on this time, or are they just over reacting to the thing in Lebanon?

wolf041 7 Aug 6
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News claims another beef shortage on the way....... who knows anymore, it's a daily shit show

Carla1963 Level 6 Aug 7, 2020

That would explain it. I still never will understand the whole panic buying bit.

@wolf041 Panic buying is about profits. You get tricked into a panic and buy everything up in fear that the product might be gone or sold out. The seller is happy and has their quota in advance for the next 3 months. This is now the big American experiment. It is common in Russia and other areas.


twats just fuck it up for everyone


because they can't get it together in congress ...things may bet bad ....they already are and trump is certainly not helping he makes everything worse and he is panicking 90 days is a long time to wait and watch as he tears more and more apart


The "thing" in Lebanon was a result of storing a dangerous substance in phenomenally huge amounts right in the port of a big city. No inspections. No regulations. No logic.

"A massive shipment of agricultural fertilizer that authorities say was stored in the port of Beirut without safety precautions for years -- despite warnings by local officials.'

And can you guess what ship, from which nation, was the main culprit?


A warehouse full of amonium nitrate right next to a grain elevator. Yeah, somebody thought that was a good idea...🙄

I saw the photos first, and thought: that’s like Oklahoma City...when I read the story, I saw why. Same explosive ingredient, just more of it.


What can you do?


No idea.. There's no panic buying here in NYC..

NYC...think higher average IQ than Arkansas. There's a reason the bug is thriving here in red state central. The sheeple here rarely think . They usually just run to their preacher for instructions.


See how easy it is to manipulate people?

Trump did get on TV claiming it was an attack in Lebanon. That would be a nice distraction and definitely gets his base wound up

@wolf041 Tweetolini has a lot to fucking answer for, if he ever faces charges. I just want to puke, most days.

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