7 2

How many of you have driven by a Catholic church in the US (maybe they do this overseas as well?) and seen the display of white crosses meant to symbolize "dead babies" due to women being allowed to control their bodies.

Is it just me who thinks of each cross display as representative of the too-many-to count number of children abused or killed by priests, or to commemorate the pedophiles themselves?

Just sayin'..........

Mitch07102 8 Oct 1
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I ve never seen that in Germany , and they have a lot of catholic churches.

MonikaBard Level 4 Nov 28, 2020

It always gets to me about aborted babies when others make a claim as to how many there are. If this is privileged information how does anyone know? What claims are they making? Abortion is not birth control.

DenoPenno Level 9 Oct 24, 2020

I have not seen the crosses, but I do know it is well documented that the Catholic Church, by looking the other way is responsible for the abuse and deaths of many many children.

misstuffy Level 7 Oct 3, 2020

Even when I was Catholic I thought it was kinda tacky. I mean there are so many people who are murdered or killed by diseases or whatever who are loved, respected, and invested in, who had good lives until they were tragically ended, and you're complaining that someone wasn't put through a miserable life of being unwanted even by their parents?

Janus819 Level 7 Oct 1, 2020

What I have noticed is never seeing a church funeral for a miscarriage . One the being in born they have funerals but if they believe in heart what they spew , they need to funeral for all the babies god took .

EMC2 Level 8 Oct 1, 2020

Interesting point

Absolutely. I argued this point during the abortion referendum in Ireland a few years back. If the Catholic church considers a feotus to be a person from conception onwards, why are early miscarriages not mourned with a funeral.


About 30 years ago an RC church claimed in an abuse lawsuit that the "Church" was not an actual thing . . . it was more of an idea or way of life. Needless to say the judge laughed away that argument - guilty as charged!!!


I find the whole cross idea revolting.


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