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I got my flu shot today. That's right. I've been letting Brandilynn poke a needle in my arm for a few years now. She determined that I need the extra dose because of my age. I guess I'm still not allergic to latex or anything to do with duck eggs. Brandi and I both had to wear face masks and she had a face shield. She is almost painless with this and an accomplished pharmacist.
I think my first vaccination for anything was in 1956. Some Online idiot told me that I must have enough aluminum inside me by now to cause senility. I'm still wondering just where the aluminum came from?

DenoPenno 9 Oct 24
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I have not ever gotten the flu shot in my adult life and have not ever got the flu. Where others in my life time have gotten flu shots and died more overall than from Covid in Canada. That proves to me I am my own best Doctor in the world. Wail checking on both opposing views of vaccines and holistic doctors approach to healthy living.

If you love your snythetic Big Pharma drug world record pushing doctors. Who will live a shorter life expectancy than generally you will. Then go for it, I don't reject the recleanzing of the gene pool.

Just don't force inject me illegally or unjustly with an unhealthy road record of overly druged life programs and unhealthy doctors.


aluminium comes from the ground


You need a vaccination against online idiots too 😂😂


You may be interested in this article, there’s a bit about ali in vaccines:

Thank you! Excellent Article 👍

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