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So I've been on this site for a time, made a couple of posts, replied to a few, tried to be humorous, and generally been nice. SO WHY have I been met with degrading insults by men, condescending replies by women and overall been disrespected? Isn't this site SUPPOSED to be, you know.....nice?

Sardonic1 5 June 7
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You know how they say common sense isn't so common? I would apply that same logic to a group of people who call themselves free thinkers.

recluse Level 4 July 11, 2018

Well I say fk them You are right it is supposed to be accepting disagreements yes but being condescending is sooo tacky

EvaV Level 7 June 28, 2018

Because some people are just morons. You seem to be very nice.


I just joined in the last week and haven't had any negative feedback yet, but then, I haven't made many posts or comments yet, so we'll see.

CarolE52 Level 3 June 19, 2018

Hey, I won't put you down. I have respect for just about everyone. Gee, I hope that doesn't happen to me...


I guess even agnostics are assholes.


This is why I block people. 😉

CaroleKay Level 8 June 11, 2018

I've had a few nasty comments but for the most part people have been welcoming and kind. I'm sorry you have had a bad experience

HeraTera Level 7 June 7, 2018

I had one person get personal and insulting on a political/social issue, sad really bc we mostly agree.

A few others have been self-righteous and wonky, again on political stuff.

I haven't had many problems here


Really? Dergrading insults? Well, I don't think it was me. I have a sharp tongue and sarcasm is my fourth language, but disrespecting anyone here? I don't know you, so disrespecting is definitely something I keep in my back pocket for a face to face meeting.
I am glad you are being nice. Keep it up.

Spinliesel Level 9 June 7, 2018

Yes. Things can get a bit heated sometimes, especially when discussing politics or religion.

I think most people here are decent. I remind myself of that.

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