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I wasn’t sure where to post this but since I am absolutely bursting with goes. I have found the most amazing tv series on Britbox. It might also be elsewhere, but so far I don’t know of anywhere else. The name of the series is Quirke. It stars Gabriel Byrne as a doctor of forensics. The series takes place in Ireland and sometimes Boston. It brings out the Catholic church’s selling dealings. Girls in trouble thrown out by their families go to the nuns for help and they are imprisoned and forced into hard labor in their laundries. The babies are taken from them and sold to wealthy American couples (apparently the Americans had the ). All,of this is of course in the name of God. Ugh!

IAmLove 7 July 2
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The storyline has shown up in other Britbox series: Jack Taylor which plays in Galway, Scotland, has several episodes on a laundry for unwed mothers in Galway ( worth watching!); Hinterland , which plays in Wales has several eisoes on a children's home at Dvli's Bridge, and there is one more series that just now escapes me, that also has a similar story line.
It is the big unresolved horror in England/Scotland/Ireland and Wales. The pope has lots to answer for!

Spinliesel Level 9 July 22, 2018

It is true, there was a movie about it several years ago, but I can't remember the name. This went on for decades.


Ugh, Irish history at it's purest....sounds like an awesome series ...I love watching shows like this because it explains so much about how I arrived at where I am now....product of Irish Catholic ancestry..thanks for the binging suggestion!!! Deb


Yeccch. Doesn't sound too edifying.


apparently she is quite an author


Hopefully this series will promote atheism.


It might be true though ?

VAL3941 Level 8 July 2, 2018

Unfortunately 😟 based on truth.

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