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I just booked a vacation for next year to Universal Studios. I was amused to see this in the fine print.

"Universal Parks & Resorts Vacations shall not be responsible or liable in any way for any loss, injury (including personal injury), or any damage caused or arising in connection with customer's travel or other services or products provided through Universal Parks & Resorts Vacations, including but not limited to, any transportation, accommodations, attractions, meals, or other services, due to any acts of God..."

Is that normal contract speak? I've never noticed that before.

So does this mean that while I'm at Universal, if a tree falls and lands on me, and Universal refuses to pay for the damages, claiming that it was an act of God, and thus they are not liable. Can I...

A) Sue Universal, due to the fact that this was an act of science, not god?

B) Tell Universal to provide proof that there is a being called god that is responsible for dropping a tree on my head?


mikecagain 7 Aug 1
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Act of god is a normal term in insurance, just means nature. When I hit a deer with my car, it was an "act of god" and a no fault accident. Thank god bc my premiums didn't go up.


You would have to file a lawsuit against God

sellinger Level 7 Aug 2, 2018

its a great tour you'll love it


You are an optimist then, booking a vacation for next year!


I think you'd be ok as a tree falling on you is an act of gravity. If the tree fell upwards from the ground at you, while sprouting fish and screaming 'Jeronimo', you might find you wouldn't be covered.

Salo Level 7 Aug 2, 2018

I am pretty sure that "act of God" is an insurance term and has a very well defined definition. I don't think a fallen tree is one of them. The tornado which caused the tree to fall may be covered.

Nukdookum Level 8 Aug 2, 2018

If they can't provide proof of God, they Must be liable. Yup, works for me.

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