7 3

Regarding the (awful) Catholic church scandal in PA:

I don't know much about the Catholic Church, but is there a possibility some of them will eventually openly discuss that an easing up of the celibacy requirements will not help the victims of the past but may help reduce or eliminate future victimization?

kmaz 7 Aug 19
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I recall growing up in Lyncourt, NY which is little Italy. The young men who never had a girlfriend were always asked by their parents about it. It was an expected event. But if young Johnny said he was going to be a priest then all was well. This is where gay men went to hide their sexuality with complete acceptance. It is a complete joke that religion has all this shit happening. Religion is just shit in the very first place

EMC2 Level 8 Aug 20, 2018

Hard for me to discuss since I am from the area mentioned and attended one of the high schools where assaults took place. The priest committed suicide years ago. The male victim frequently being interviewed (Good Morning America, I think) would have been in my graduating class had I not changed schools.
My nephew's middle school principal (priest) was also named.
In Pittsburgh alone there are 99 priests who harmed children. You are screaming for the resignation of Bishop Wuerl who hid these monsters.

Iamkratom Level 7 Aug 20, 2018

I was brought up very Catholic in the Detroit area. I went to Catholic school for 12 years. I never had one incident happen to me, nor saw anything untoward. The pope needs to get involved with the clergy who covered all this up. There are still some of them around. No excuses.

vnufall Level 7 Aug 20, 2018

Hard for me to discuss since I am from the area mentioned and attended one of the high schools where assaults took place. The priest committed suicide years ago. The male victim frequently being interviewed (Good Morning America, I think) would have been in my graduating class had I not changed schools.
My nephew's middle school principal (priest) was also named.
In Pittsburgh alone there are 99 priests who harmed children. You are screaming for the resignation of Bishop Wuerl who hid these monsters.
He refused claiming he did no wrong.
Please, if you come across an online petition asking for his resignation consider signing. I am not sure it will bring him to resign but we must try everything.

Iamkratom Level 7 Aug 20, 2018

Greek priests get married. That hasn't changed a whole lot. In many instances the practice of pederasty is still very much alive.

LouisD61 Level 7 Aug 20, 2018

About the same time they allow women to be priests. Admitting something is wrong with their dogma... Slow in coming

EvaV Level 7 Aug 20, 2018

Very doubtful..

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