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OK, l hope l'm in the right room for this little rampage l'm about to go on, but here goes. Yup, l live in a trailer park, go ahead with the trailer trash cracks, as l've heard them all. Anyway, my lot rent was 300 dollars a month, when l bought this place, l was told. You live in the very first home people see when driving in here, please keep the yard and your home attractive, as first impressions are so important. l complied gladly with that request because l like my shit nice and squared away, always looks good, winter or summer. Last week, l got a letter from the park, it's been sold. Now, typically when these things happen, you can expect a small rent increase, but these assholes that believe if you give enough money to the church, you become the god of your own planet when you leave this one, raised EVERYBODIES lot rent to 450 dollars a month. And me? mine went up to 475, because it's first, and on a corner lot ( a big lot, fenced in) l told them now it becomes no different than any other lot in here. Their response was this. If you don't keep it up as you have, we will evict you for non-compliance. FUCK THEM!!! Go straight back to Salt Lake City and fuck yourself. thanks for letting me rant.

nogod 7 Mar 27
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Iowa law allows landlords to increase rent with 30 days written notice. If your rent is not written on the lease fair marlet value is assumed. Organise a tennat union. Hire a lawyer , fight back.
At a minimum your extra increase sounds discriminatory.
Investigate if they are doing all the things they need to do.

Tooreen Level 7 Apr 4, 2019

I would like to speak with you about this subject if you don't mind, I'll be back on tonight. Would that be possible for you,

@nogod I am not a good resource for this issue. You need to do some homework and involve your neighbors.


I bought a 4 bedroom house on a short sale, fixed it up and lived in it for a few years. Refinanced when the rates dropped to 2.4%. I now pay $369 a month for a 4 bedroom house in a College Town.

A friend of mine lived in a trailer park in Montana while she and her husband were building a house. They were only there for a couple of years. Basically they bought the land from the state which was trying to get people to move to a specific area. They paid $1 for 12 acres of land. They borrowed money from friends and famiy to build the house. Now they just pay taxes and utilities.

My brother and his wife were caretakers of the house of an elderly man in Newton. He was childless and put the house in his will to them when he died. Now they rent it out as a 2nd house and just pay taxes on it.


Don’t blame you for the rant.....that was pretty nasty and quite large increase!

IAmLove Level 7 Mar 27, 2019

Outrageous gouging!!!


First off , a mobile home is fine. I live in a double wide in Florida and have few issues with it. But yes, yes of yes , I have seen what they are doing to mobile home parks. In Florida, I spent a little time in commercial real estate, and it was a strategy to buy up mobile home parks for commercial building. Many just sold the land to an investment firm, they raised rates based on the value of land at TIME of sale. You get bumped and soon a building follows. Now if you live in a conservative area, your chances of beating this are zero. Sometimes local governments force the investor to pay hardship.

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 27, 2019

Mormonism is actually a business because you know how Jesus loved the money lenders right?


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