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Never had seen this game show. It is called "Paid Off" and college graduates with debt answer trivia questions in an attempt to pay off their loan. They generally owe over $50K.

Devastating that, as a nation, we have not come up with a better solution than this.

Perhaps even more devastating?

The question was - "How many stars were on the US flag in World War 1?"

The answers - Thirteen? Six? Twenty-Seven?


BufftonBeotch 8 Aug 3
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Gosh! The poor losers 😥


Sounds like FREE TAXI trivia on the way to their destination for thousands

That one is fun when I know when I happen to see it.

That is hundreds of dollars though..

Watched two episodes of this and a man wiped out over 82K in debt.

That is life changing.

He'll have about 20K to pay to the IRS, but I guess he's better off.


McKinley flew 46 stars on his & Teddy conquering the Spanish Empire....

47 and 48 were New Mexico and Arizona.


I know history isn't really taught in college unless you major in it. But I still think that should have been pretty basic knowledge.

@BufftonBeotch my school quizzed us all in 7th grade geography and I read all the assignments daily to ace all my tests....of course I did not go to church or catch mono kissing a date at the movies either time slots freed to be healthy reading without a virus fever


Wow, I would not know that and just to let people know there were 48 stars on the flag at that time. No idea

EMC2 Level 8 Aug 3, 2019
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