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Today Antifa and the Proud Boys met kinda in Portland Oregon. So far I know 3 people were arrested. And 45 has tweeted that he is considering having Antifa listed as a terror group. Now I really do not know alot about Antifa. And I know groups can say they are for one thing. But that their actions would say something different. But, the Proud Boys and groups like them. Actually thrive on hate! They're looking to engage in violent acts. There has even been statements from former members that state this. So, if Antifa does even rarely. Use violence to try and push their agenda. Okay then, this is wrong and it should be handled. This being said though. The Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, the 3%ers and such. Should be listed just as much as Antifa should. It's not about left or right. Conservative or Liberal. It's about right and wrong! And to label one as a terror it hate group. While letting others who do the same or worse. Slide without even a mention. Just shows where 45's loyalties lie. And it's not conducive to where this nation should be heading.

DaneintheUS 6 Aug 17
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The Proud Boys thrive on hate? Some of their former members hoped for violence? Something tells me you haven't even tried to understand them. Read or watch one interview with their founder, Gavin McInnes. The point of the group was to perform the peacekeeping duty that police forces like Portland's have ignored. In other words, they saw the several occasions Antifa caused violence without repercussions, especially in Portland, and decided to try to bring civility back to the public square. Or at least, that's how they see it.

To be fair to Antifa, they also believe they are doing the right thing. They think they are punching Nazis etc. However, they have attacked minority journalists like Andy Ngo. They have hit people in the head with a bike lock for talking. They riot outside speaking events so that anyone who doesn't toe their party line is incapable of speaking privately to people who want to hear them. There's a big difference between responding to speech with violence and hoping that any asshole who tries to start violence tries to start it with you because you know how to deal with it.

I'm glad you acknowledged that groups can say they're for one thing when their actions prove otherwise. Antifa is full of misguided, under informed youths who have been indoctrinated by those who are meant to teach them rationality. Otherwise, they'd learn what tactics Nazis and Fascists historically used to take power, what their ideologies were, etc. so they'd know how to spot and stop them. If they did so, they'd realize that Antifa does all the same things. Support for socialism? Check. Collective identity obsession? Check. Demonizing a particular demographic to unite your forces? Check. Wearing a uniform? Check. Violent reaction to disagreement? Check. I could go on. I could tell you how Giovanni Gentile, the founder of fascism, was also a Marxist. That seems unproductive.

As to Trump himself, let's not pretend the business Democrat who plagiarized Bill Clinton ("We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws" ) and hired a woman to run his campaign after marrying an immigrant is really some far right ethno nationalist. His Twitter is a reality show: drama without substance blown out of proportion for the sake of keeping people's attention.

One thing I think you got right though: it's not about conservative or liberal, right or left, it's about authoritarians versus libertarians. It's about individualists who judge people on the content of their character versus collectivists who judge people by the color of their skin (people who say it's racist/evil to even say that it's okay to be white, because "all white people are racist" ). It's about those who want you to be able to make your own choices versus those who want the government to run your life (totalitarianism). To be clear, both "left" and "right" promote such tyranny to varying degrees: leftists want everything regulated and provided by the government because adults can't be trusted to spend their own money or think their own thoughts; the extreme right wants the government in your bedroom because adults can't be trusted to protect their racial purity or otherwise decide on a partner. Leftists want you to work in a government office or union; right wingers want you to work in government military or enforcement. Neither truly wants you to be free.

Janus819 Level 7 Aug 19, 2019

You're right....of course...


Good luck with getting your sentiments heard....

The growth of government as a result of corporate profits has been clear...and that's the root of Fascism

What we need is some famous folk...perhaps a hollywood mogul...or even a political figure...someone well known - to come out in support of Antifa.

They need to cut any alleged antifa members who're just out to break stuff and fight.

The "Black Panthers" got the same rough start...and decades later they're still considered "fringe"...

Robecology Level 9 Aug 18, 2019

Never heard much about "Proud Boys"... Interesting video here..

Not a personal slight I promise. But if they're alpha males. Then why do they need a support group?

@DaneintheUS Not sure why you would be worried about a 'personal slight'.. I don't belong to a 'Proud Boy' group. 😏😁 Appears they are learning to be some version of an alpha male that they had not been exposed to growing up, one that society would look up to. The responsible, clean cut, bread winner that a good woman would want to have a family with - kind of thing.. Unlike the "Soy Boy" (Haha.. always thought that was a funny term) that lives in their Mom's basement smoking weed and playing video games all day, and ends up joining Antifa. Who knows..


I'll never understand so much hatred.

@Wangobango3 But nazism?!

The more crowded our world gets, the more hostile people get.

It's true of any population of anything....from insects to rats to humans.

Solution? planning.....or a serious reduction of our population - if not intentionally, then by nature.


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