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I am so sick of these spam calls and these calls from Trip Advisor! I AM NOT PLANNING ANY TRIPS! I keep asking them to remove my number and they just keep calling and calling, always a different number. I block, new number, block, rinse repeat!

misstuffy 7 Aug 28
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I drive 'em nuts by tell them what I think of them. The number of calls has gone way down.

>If I don’t know the number they can leave a message.

Almost works. Some of them will ghost a phone number that you routinely call.

I got called from my own number once.


When they change numbers like that, it's not a legitimate business, it's a scammer. They don't care about do-not-call lists. All you can do is keep blocking them

MojoDave Level 9 Aug 28, 2019

Actually these big businesses have numerous numbers, each desk has their own

@misstuffy the spammers are doing this by computer.

@MojoDave Yes I know, they use the auto-dialers and of course, they also spoof legit phone numbers,

@misstuffy Legitimate businesses do not use these techniques.

@MojoDave yes I am aware of that, I have my phone set up to not put known spam calls through to me


In the uk we have a, ‘do not call’ list. It’s great.

We have that here too, and it is promptly ignored!

@misstuffy ours has just been backed up with extra legislation about safe storage of personal data and sharing limits. Sorry to hear your is meaningless 🙁 but the brits used to be known for being private I think, (or shy) and some of that remains.

@girlwithsmiles we like our privacy here as well, the brits just do it in a more dignified manner

@misstuffy that’s a nice way of putting it, thanks. I guess if enough people wanted a change it the US people would get on board.


I get the same thing matter how many times I tell them to remove my number, tell them off, hang up, nothing works. But in my case, its.... "I yam galling abowt yorr Vindowz Gumpyootuh"....................

Yep, I keep telling Trip Adviser to stop calling me, does no good

@misstuffy No they sure don't ''get it''. I even tried getting on the do not call list, & it got worse.
Then we get the recorded ones about winning cruises, Marriot hotels......or some damn thing about our credit cards.....yada yada yada yada.

@Lilac-Jade Same here, I am thinking of getting a second phone, but only a matter of time before they find it too

@misstuffy Yeah, unfortunately, they just call numbers by area codes in chronological order in most cases.


That one and student loans, home security systems, warranty for my car, and Medicare supplements. I have blocked them all, and eventually they show up again. These should be illegal.

Sticks48 Level 9 Aug 28, 2019

All of which I own none of! I have never owned a vehicle with a warranty because I could never afford one! Never went to college. My home security is a herd of goats with big horns. My big buck is scary looking but as gentle as a newborn lamb.

@misstuffy Same here. None of these things apply to me.

@daylily I went to college on the GI Bill.

@Sticks48 I did test out four year post graduate college in High School. it was just a test to see where the hearing impaired like myself fell compared to the hearing students. I was always an avid reader and I think that helped me but would have loved to have gone to college for Micro Biology or Astrophysics.

@misstuffy We have a hearing impaired lady in her 70's who comes in and sings at an open mic our band hosts on Tues nights. She has a small hearing aid in her right ear, but you have to get pretty close for her to hear you. She mostly reads lips. She doesn't hit every note of course, but she is pretty good, and she plays some harmonica. The joy she gets out of this really touches the whole band. This was on her bucket list, and we kept encouraging her to come back, so she comes in every two weeks. She does karaoke on alternate weeks.

@Sticks48 I am getting hearing aids and I suspect she is probably deafer than I am. I have one dead ear and one lower end of normal so I do some lip reading to aid the voices. I played violin in school (because they told me I couldn't) and really enjoyed it. Kudos to her, she sounds like a wonderful lady.


Could be phishing by a Niggerian who SAYS they are trip advisor....the job seeking websites are advertising side by side with scams promising you a job if you apply with your Social Security number drivers license number date of birth and home address.....if all you give is a phone number these gawdamn Niggerians will never stop texting you and calling you

Definitely American Based. there are things in our culture/language you just can't fake.

@misstuffy the Niggerians rent USA phone numbers .... always check the that with the company url you search their main number and ask if the number calling you belongs to the company....if they don't cooperate call your county SHERIFF and FBI in Omaha....the law is explicit TRIP ADVISOR has 2 business days to take you off their calling list....Niggerians won't no matter where they call from

@GreenAtheist they always hang up on me as soon as I tell them Im not going anywhere. These folks are definitely americans. You call customer service and get someone in Pakistan or India who have American names and phone numbers. By now most of us know they are not in America and that's the legit help centers!

@misstuffy for over a decade here or there usa call centers had quality control to require courteous and respectful treatment of both inbound and outbound call contacts.....hang ups or arguing with people were cause for immediate dismissal.... but that was rarely enforced upon the best hustlers who were borderline or outright SLAMMERS meaning making the call look like a sale when in fact the person contacted was only agreeing upon learning more information about the offer.....when few people complain to the main office about such tactics the scams continue ....and if an inbound call is a complaint demanding refunds the calls are mislabeled to cover up the SLAMMERS by offering huge discounts to retain the account.. Wells Fargo did an extreme version of this creating phony accounts to collect huge bonuses.....corporations run upon greed NOT PROFESSIONAL ETHICS and I lost job after job being a CWA UNION activist and ethical phone professional....Iowa is run by the xian taliban of Reynolds Grassley Ernst & King for greed and their alleged gawd


I have blocked 20 messages from Amazon and always a new number comes weekly if not 2 in the same day ALL OFFERING ME FREE SHIT if I pay shipping fees....I am NOT BUYING by credit card anything from a solicitor and rarely will I go to a bona fide company website and buy there....if it's not at Whole Foods I don't need to eat it...I would rather buy direct from a farmer goat cheese or or dill dip

I know how to make my own goat cheese, I raise goats for a living these days!

@misstuffy I last bought some in NY during an open house @ Central Tractor....children were petting the mommy goat and her family had a big ice cooler chilling the one pound tubs of spiced feta


I get the "credit card renewal" ones, and the "home security system" ones ten times a week... Sooooo frustrating. But I hear they're getting ready to do something about it, I just don't see how when they can't track down where they're calling from.. 😒

Yes it was on the news about cracking down on these guys. I can't wait.

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