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I'm not really interested in this myself but I do believe there is a place for Community !

Musicmanmike 5 Dec 11
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Didn't read the article. Seeing the picture was enough. Brought back a some memories of my Jesus people days.

I shouldn't despise what I once was. But I don't want reminders I guess.

Robeh Level 4 Dec 29, 2019

Okay...not cool but I'm replying to my own comment. I have now watched the video. It is fine...I agree that we all need "community" and it is very hard to attain with folks who identify as atheist, agnostic, skeptic, freethinker, etc. etc. Because we are all CURMUDGEONS...(hope I spelled that right). I wish these organized groups all the best...wish I could be a part of one. But my experience has been that once we break free...we are not well inclined to be parts of groups anymore.

Have to remember, there is a large segment of society that desires to be led around by the nose ring and feels lost without it. One of the things that attracts many to religion in the first place.


I love this idea, I still would like to see the Atheist/agnostic/humanist community to buy one of those towns that comes up for sale one day and make a real life community with our own schools and businesses.

misstuffy Level 7 Dec 14, 2019

I see possibilities. After living in the bible belt and getting belted with bibles for years, It would be a welcome reprieve.

@wolf041 I hate the area where I live, had a bunch of fundamentalist home schoolers move in and they are so snooty even the wife of the Baptist Pastor says the neighborhood has gone downhill. I want to keep farming but not here!


de baptised, whats that all about and why call it a church? theres the same mind set behind this as a religious splinter group.

@Musicmanmike i think so. if you don't believe in God than baptism is just some fool pooring water on your head talking crap. how and more importantly why would or could that be done.

@Musicmanmike its like telling a bad joke and then reading it backwards to unsay it.

I view an Atheist/Agnostic community as a place where we can support one another both business wise and socially. Where children can be educated in a truly secular school and no one has to worry about being subjected to public prayers at work and pretend to pray while running their grocery list in their
head , just to avoid professional ostracism.

@misstuffy glad I live in England

@LeighShelton probably safer there than here. We have an idiot in charge over here

@misstuffy we all have greedy liars

@LeighShelton true but our orange in the white house is far worse than your lemon now in the hospital. Hopefully he recovers ok though I wouldnt mind Dumpster getting laid up with it for awhile. He really was not concerned about our health until he had to make an appearance of caring.

@misstuffy very true x


We meet at a local Pub. 🍹🍸🍻

@Musicmanmike Bunch of Buddhists.. 😁😉 I'm kidding.. but yeah, it was a local Atheist MeetUp group I use to belong to that got together every month.. They may still do.. I quit going because they were so political. They were very unwelcoming of anyone that wasn't extreme left wing.. Kind of sad to witness really..

Must be nice. No pubs within 2 hours. Dry county.

@wolf041 if you havre enough folks in the area you think may be interested, you should open one. 😀👍

@Captain_Feelgood they are trying to get booze legalized in the county, but nobody is holding their breath. Everything is church controlled. And previous attempts have always been thwarted through messing with the petitions . They purposely sign the petitions with false information, one mistake on a page negates the entire page, roughly 20 signatures, so this time they wasted a ton of paper to have each signature on a separate form. We'll see what they will try this time.

@wolf041 Oh yeah... dry county.. 😣 That sucks..

@Captain_Feelgood problem they've had here is the state is not dry, but in all the less populated counties. Churches bought up the full quota of liquor licenses and sat on them. A few years ago someone took them to court and now they have to use them or loose them. But somehow certain counties are still demanding a ballot initiative.

@wolf041 Wow.. now that's quite a predicament. Should be interesting to see how that pans out..

@wolf041 So can restaurants not get permits either? That's crazy.

@Captain_Feelgood only in the counties that have already acted on it.


So is a bowling lane.

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