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I went to my doctor because it didn't seem as if I had completely recovered from pneumonia from two months ago. He ordered lab work that included "bronch, rigid/flex, w/wo fluro guidance; w/balloon occlusion, w/assessment air leak, admin occlusive subst (eg fibrin glue), if performed."

Additionally, he ordered "complete PFT Battery DLCO spirometry, B/A & Nitrogen washout."

I look a little confused it's because I haven't straightened what all that means.

WonderWartHog99 8 Jan 26
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That's doctor speak for human broke... play with big toys and scratch head 😁

wolf041 Level 7 Apr 1, 2020

Geez.. the doctor should explain all that in layman's terms instead of freaking out the patient. I would get another doctor. Having had one like that who screwed me over when I had a car accident. I move on to another dr. Nobody needs a dr. who wants to be an arrogant a-hole like that. ( excuse my mouth, it tends to get emotional about this subject)

chiara23k Level 7 Jan 29, 2020

It was all those "w/wo" clauses that got to me. It as if he'd said "Don't know. Maybe we'll do it; maybe not."


PFT Battery Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs)?
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are lung tests. They show how well your lungs work. They’re noninvasive, which means that the doctor doesn’t cut you or put any tools inside your body.Testing your lungs can help doctors diagnose lung diseases such as:•Asthma•Allergies•Chronic bronchitis• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)•Damaged or scarred lung tissue•Disease caused by breathing in asbestos fibers•Sarcoidosis, a collection of inflammatory cells around organs•Lung cancer•Infections•Thickened, stretched, or enlarged airways•Thickening or hardening of your connective tissues, known as scleroderma weakness of the muscles in the wall of the chest

DLCO spirometry,
COPD is the 4th leading cause of death in the US. It affects an estimated 30 million people in the United States and only 12 million are diagnosed. Each day, ten Americans die from asthma, and in 2015, 3,615 people died from asthma.

Spirometry is a pulmonary function test that is used in the diagnosis of asthma, COPD and other lung diseases. It is also frequently used in occupational health to assess an employee’s fitness to wear a respirator and to monitor the employee’s lung health over time. With spirometry, changes in lung function can be detected before symptoms develop.

In addition to the benefits of spirometry, DLCO and lung volumes help to gain more detailed information about how the lungs are performing. A DLCO test assesses the ability of the lungs to transfer oxygen to the blood. Lung volumes refers to the volume of air in the lungs at different phases of the respiratory cycle. A combination of spirometry, DLCO and lung volumes can help identify lung disease, measure the effects of medication on the lungs, and provide a better assessment of lung disease severity.

B/A & Nitrogen washout."
Your doctor may order a blood urea nitrogen test as part of a routine health screening. It helps her see how well your kidneys are working.

Urea nitrogen is a normal waste product that your body creates after you eat. Your liver breaks down the proteins in your food -- and while it does that, it creates blood urea nitrogen, also known as BUN. Your liver releases the substance into the blood, and it eventually ends up in your kidneys.

When your kidneys are healthy, they remove the BUN, usually leaving a small amount of it in the blood. But for the most part, your kidneys get rid of it by flushing it out of your body through urine.

When your kidneys are not healthy, they have trouble removing BUN and leave more of it in your blood.

The blood urea nitrogen test, which is also called a BUN or serum BUN test, measures how much of the waste product you have in your blood. If your levels are off the normal range, this could mean that either your kidneys or your liver may not be working properly.

Now I can start sweating bullets until the results come back.

thank you, Doctor.

@TheDoubter just looked it up

@whiskywoman major effort for explanation. thanks

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