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I noticed a trend in my state ( Arkansas) tha reported covid-19 cases were all following a line through the state along US 65. Knowing where it goes, it looked to cross into Mississippi soI checked the Mississippi exposures and , sure enough, the path goes straight to Gulfport. Looks like a combination of bustling international sea port and string of vacationers hitting the beach have been spreading this thing all over. I noticed the largest number of cases in placed of destination and places known for being fuel and food stops and it has been steadily spreading out from those as employees start taking it home with them. Mind you Arkansas only has 62 confirmed cases, but they've only issued a grand total of 413 tests , out of a population of 3.014 million. This in a state where NOBODY will ever stay home from church 3+ times a week and will especially make sure to be there if sick so they can pray it away . They are even having their usual extra prayer meeting BECAUSE of the virus. ( my doctor and I were joking about it early into this thing. Any cold or flu spreads like a brushfire throug that bunch) It will be interesting to see how many cases are actually here once they decide to really start testing.

wolf041 7 Mar 20
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This might be a win-win for evolution. More people make stronger "bugs" (germs, viruses) faster which kill more people faster - and it will kill those who disregard the "social distancing" message the most....


Robecology Level 9 Mar 20, 2020

Yup, theres a whole bunch of folks around here trying out for a Darwin award

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