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Okay, since this group can discuss anything. And with what has been happening lately. Here is a question to all here. Do you believe the NRA and this administration poses a threat? And if so, is it just here or globally? If not, ? Again the rules are simple. Discuss, debate, etc. But no insulting of anyone on any side. This is an opportunity for all to express their ideas without being demeaning or demeaned.

DaneintheUS 6 May 20
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The core issue is the 2nd amendment and its wide interpretation. It's being misinterpreted, and that misinterpretation is being funded by NRA and its members. I think gun control is a multi-faceted issue, and I do think the NRA plays a significant role in keeping multiple facets out of the picture by deflecting to "mental health training and gun safety training" (i.e. blaming human behavior, not guns). I think the NRA poses a threat to everyone everywhere. We need voters, activists, and volunteers to step up! There's no better time to do it than now! #makeadifference


First we have to stop dealing in extremes. Get the 2nd amendment people to stop saying they want to “take their guns away” and “get rid of the second amendment” and the other side needs to take baby steps. Which is what I think they’re trying to do. But they also can’t keep saying “do something” without being specific. And just let us hope some of the gun happy people are voted out in November! Please vote!

Norie Level 5 June 9, 2018

I am not anti NRA, however i do believe we need some solutions regarding gun control. The US has far too many school shootings to even doubt there is a problem. about the current administration, it is the most corrupt, racists, and bizarre administration I have ever seen. The entire rest of the world sees us as idiots run by a misogynistic, racist, power monger. The US is run by corporations and greed, we have ceased to be a democracy long ago.

Carla1963 Level 6 June 1, 2018

I believe this is the most corrupt administration is our history. We have now met with our true grit. Do we over throw this corrupt admin or just stay the course? We must address the situation now, not tomorrow, but now. WE are about to loose all this nation has been created for. We should also bring the native americans into our life with a welcome , not a spitting contest

EMC2 Level 8 May 29, 2018

As an American who was part of the US Diplomatic family, yes. I find this administration extremely threatening on a global scale.

Namaste Level 7 May 29, 2018

Is it just me or is it kind of ironic that the NRA argue for gun control to stop the Country from being over run by a corrupt Government; and yet it seems the NRA are putting massive amounts of money into...controlling the Government. Lols. Not N. American, but a thought for y'all!

P.S. Regarding is it a global threat? Yes, any Country with the amount of arms America has is a global threat, so lack of control of the Government there is an issue. But, I guess the Trump supporters, said to be a majority, feel there is control so it's in the eye of the beholder.

P.P.S. I understand that people wish to arm themselves so that they can defend themselves against a corrupt Government, but I think some legal basis for applying and revoking licences is a great idea as those laws were set out for muskets not automatics or assault rifles.

P.P.P.S. Interested in responses from anyone not calling themselves DavidLMt! 😉


It saddens me that every time the words 'gun control' are mentioned folks seem to lose their ability to listen, learn or work with others to address the issue. Here's my opinion: I think there should be back ground checks, limits on the size of magazines, a ban on assault weapons and registration of all firearms. To drive a car one must obtain a license, obtain insurance and follow laws and guidelines when doing so. That said, I own firearms and I'd be in a bad way if I didn't. I've had cougar come through my place on more than one occasion. I let them be, but I have lost 3 cats to them in 3 years. A month ago, I had to shoot a neighbor's Rottweiler 3X with a . 22 revolver loaded with birdshot to stop him from killing my aged Lab , whom he's torn up 4 times in the last year on my own property. It hurt me more than it did him when I had to shoot him. I feel so sorry for that Rottie. He once went around with a face full of porcupine quills, including some in one eye, for 4 days before neighbor's shunned his owner into taking him to a vet. He's still complaining about the cost.


Thank you all for your responses. It was great to see participation in this. And there was no name calling, dismissive behavior, or worse. Quite refreshing.


I believe with all I have that Trump is a clear and present danger to all the billions of people on our planet. He's unstable, impulsive, has severe mood swings, no moral fiber, and has his finger on the nuclear button. He taunts NK and Iran. He demonizes social democracies and has offended almost every ally we have. He is systematically eroding our institutions, particularly those of the executive branch. He's handing our country into the lap of the dictator of our historical (and present) enemy. The NRA has so much power that common-sense gun control measures aren't apt to happen anytime soon. Stupid people believe the Second Amendment is threatened; they are the ones who have no sense of civics and how difficult it is to amend the Constitution. If they had two brain cells to rub together, they would see the only amendment being threatened is the First. I could go on, but for the sake of brevity, I'll hold my tongue and not go on a longer rant.


I have no idea about American gun laws, so can't really comment !

VAL3941 Level 8 May 20, 2018

I'll tackle the evil NRA first. They're only about five million members and they donate significantly less than other lobbying groups, like unions. I'll give links if someone legitimately wants a nuanced, long discussion but that's easy to fact check. The NRA simply does not have a lock on congress.

It's also true the evil NRA is the biggest proponent for gun safety, training and insurance in the USA. Granted they profit from those things some, but that still makes people safer.

If you'd asked about the NRA-ILA, then I would have had a different response, although again their political contributions are much smaller than others.

IMO the political propaganda from the NRA has been counterproductive in the long run since it mostly dismisses gun violence with trite catchphrases. I wish the NRA and it's members really pushed for effective mental health reform instead of using that as a dismissive soundbyte. I also wish the NRA and its members pushed national agendas of gun safety and training more than they do trite, dismissive catchphrases.

I do think the Trump administration is a threat to the USA, but really he's just a symptom of much bigger national problems.


I am a gun owner, I do not agree with the NRA. I live in an open carry state, and am legal to carry guns. I like to target practice, but I have no qualms about shooting an intruder. Why do I or anyone need the NRA?

zorialoki Level 8 May 20, 2018

When you see the white sails of the red coat army coming to invade this sovereign nation, and take our homes, land, 3/5 human "servants", women folk, and gold, you'll be happy to know the town posse is well armed, in spite of a weak gov'ment, all thanks to the NRA. this message is intended for white, Christian, cis-gendered men, who wish to make America great again.

@DavidLMt Sorry, I didn't recognize you without your white sheets and cap


Yes. I believe the NRA poses a huge global threat because they are, in essence, the lobbying arm of the gun manufacturers and I suspect they know their time will soon be up in the USA.

So I worry that their armies of astroturfers and yes men are paving the way for expansion by grooming foreign nations using social media to sell the idea of 'reconsidering' guns. This and bribes to foreign politicians who will be expected to change laws.

This is what I worry about. A concerted, long term, highly sophisticated global operation designed with the aim of increasing gun sales. And innocents will pay with their lives.

Blackpowder guns, knives or swords have little restriction.


I doubt Stephen Paddock would have gotten very far using those.

Somewhat agree, although gun manufacturers don't need the NRA to bribe US congress.

The NRA is still the biggest proponent for gun safety and training in the USA, although enough gun proponents are getting annoyed with the NRA they now have some competition.

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