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Runrig are without doubt the best Celtic Rock band to have come out of Scotland, with one of the best lead singers in Bruce Guthro...who is in fact not Scottish by birth but Nova Scotian, from Cape Breton Island. Here with the dramatic setting of Stirling Castle and The Wallace Memorial as a backdrop, they perform the stirring....Hearts Of Olden Glory. šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁓ó æ

Marionville 10 May 29
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Loved it. He does not sound Nova Scotian.

Maybe living in Scotland has changed his accent.

@Marionville He had a north american sound to my ears.

@rogerbenham. I thought he sounded Canadian, which of course is North American. How does a Nova Scotian usually sound?

@Marionville Depends where they are. Cape Breton has a definite Scottish lilt as opposed to Newfoundland which is a grand mixture of all of it settlers, pretty well all of whom came from the British Isles and were very poor. So regional accents married together with unique words. I can hear Cornish in it. As you know, there are at least 4 accents in Belfast, Glasgow etc. Each old port had a special accent. Newcastle had a dock accent and a Tynesider and a Geordie though Durham claimed to be true Geordies. Nova Scotia proper and the accent becomes far less Scottish away from Cape Breton and St Annes. That said it is a much more pleasant accent than working class Ontario. BC has several accents and one soft one is nearly as pleasant to hear as a Stirling accent. The longer a family has been in one area so the more distinct the accent though after 47 years here I have largely lost my ability to pinpoint an English accent other than the growth of the Thames Estuary replacing my toffee nosed Oxford accent. I arrived here at 27 - too late to lose my educated ruling f-ing class accent.

@rogerbenham I have lived here in Northern Ireland for almost 50 years and still have the Edinburgh accent I arrived with...although I have assumed most of the local NI colloquialisms Iā€™m sure!

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