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I’ve been watching a TV series from Finland on Netflix and it’s got me thinking about music from there. I’ve already posted a Poets Of The Fall song in the Music Fans group, so here’s another great Finnish band I like …Nightwish. - Walking In The Air…which was written by Howard Blake for the 1982 BBC animated film The Snowman which was based on the Children’s book of the same name by English author Raymond Briggs.

Marionville 10 Dec 19
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This is beautiful! is I think too!


Beautiful scenics. Love this group!

Yes…all good.

@Marionville Will be listening again later.


I agree, great visuals. I loved the book and animation.

The problem with photographing the aurora is that you do not capture the constant pulsing.

Or the crackling, & buzzing.

@Lilac-JadeCanada I don't get much of that. In the old days we used to get a lot of aspens cracking in the cold but it is some 10 degrees C warmer at coldest times now.

@rogerbenham Yes, we seldom have temps as we used to 30 years or so ago.

@Lilac-JadeCanada I once milked goats outside at -49C in the Dunster/McBride area. Three times every winter we'd have a couple of days below 40. But often it would warm up 30C through the day. This happened both ways so a +30 day we'd cover the potatoes at night.

@rogerbenham You're quite a lot further north than we are. We did live in Prince George for a few years but that was '76 to '80. We were also a lot younger & able to take more of it then.


Great visuals for this song! Love the Finnish subtitles too. Wonderful band!!

Yes…they describe themselves as a Symphonic Metal Rock Band.

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