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Please say hello to @Goarmy34 who has just joined the group. Looking forward to some interesting music choices.

Marionville 10 Jan 24
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Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome to the group!


Hello goarmy34

Suzie_B Level 2 Jan 25, 2022

Based on the profile may I suggest:

Good god almighty
There’s no denying life
Would be better if I never ever had to live with you
Blue - it’s a colour so cruel

….who is lighting the fire under the great cauldron boil the water? What colour of cannibal is he …blue or green?


Welcome to the group, look forward to your musical posts! 🤗


Level one xian cannot do much here .... I don't think we should encourage mixed marriage or mixed dating .... that is what she is here for according to her profile.... she is 100% certain the impossible alleged gawds geebush geehobah ghostholes all 3 exist.... this is a serious delusion that over shadows rapist priests the genocidal Vatican and fascist theocratic profiteering illegal wars perpetrated by USA since 1946....Florida and the world needs real love not the pathologies of faith

In that case leave her alone…she will find no support and do us no harm.

@Marionville of course I already did leave her alone without warning blocking her.... the harm is virulent in her world ....our world here is safe but letting her pass in welcome seems strange to me ..... I played Eichmann the Nazi doctor in chief of death camps .... the most painful intellectual exercise of my theatre life career .... my Director a Chicago Jewish woman age 23 was going to replace me in rehersals during my resistance to performing my character...... she asked me what my problem was and I told her I came to Cornell to be a teacher not a Nazi ....her instant genius reply was TEACH THEM our audience and young cast ,& stage hands.... only then could I feel both a skilled actor AND my method of feeling the depths of murderous hate echoing in my mind speaking Eichmann words to troops and the literature professor betraying his Jewish colleague psychology professor.... make no mistake how xians have murdered billions of people since Constantine invented this fake Mythra cult faith....for all my pacifist Quaker and Catholic Worker comrades they are right for the wrong reason....peace is universal right to life war is the enemy of life.... like the Edwin Starr song 🎵 war what is it good for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING listen to me....cemeteries need memorials NOT MORE crucifixi

@GreenAtheist No requirement to lecture a lifelong non-believer. I will remind you that I’m host here and make the rules whether to welcome new members or not.

@Marionville no lecture I deeply respect your leadership and voluminous sharing.... it would be wonderful if Quakers even peace in Palestine Presbyterians joined us for music ... community ....politics .... great old a sailor who joined the Navy to stop the genocidal invasion of Vietnam 1971, reading goArmy from anyone is a Gung Ho red flag .... you might be interested to know Ayaan Hirsi Ali is joining forces with Mormon Radio TV fanatic Glenn Beck to start a new University dedicated to dialogue fundamentals between a great variety of philosophers believers experts who see the dumbing down of public schools & colleges


Welcome, @Goarmy34. I hope you enjoy the group. Please feel free to share your favorite music with us.

Lauren Level 8 Jan 24, 2022

Welcome Goarmy34

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