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I was earlier commenting on another post how I have a stout opinion that that Surf Instrumentals are the best music for a road trip, or even just decompressing after work. Sooooo....

Reignmond 7 Apr 3
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Good sound. I like it!

Interesting. I just read a little about them, and found they were late 1990's, and were composed of members of The Heartbreakers, Tom Petty's backup band.

I do like Tom Petty.

@Reignmond I remember taking a road trip with a friend many years ago, and we would play the Tom Petty cassette she had. Running Down A Dream was on it, so for me that is road trip listening.


Has the sound of a Beach Boy tune, sans voices.


To each their own ….we all have different go to music for road trips or for unwinding. If this does it for you I’m glad you shared it with us. Personally, I like belting out 80s power ballads at full volume on my road trips!

Those are good too.


Yes, great for unwinding. It would be hard for me to sit still and drive though... Gotta dance to something like that. Dancing to peppy music is in itself a stress reliever for me. I'm lucky that one of the bands I go see often plays a little of everything including surf music and we all get out and dance, fun fun fun!

Julie808 Level 8 Apr 4, 2022

Cliff Richard & The Shadows - Move It (The Cliff Richard Show, 19.03.1960)

I think I need to add this to my music collection.

@Reignmond first recorded with screaming in 1957. In '61 I was watching the Cliff Richard Show but that '57 album was his best.

@rogerbenham Roger you never cease to astonish me with your eclectic choices….medieval baroque, EDM, any and all worthy Folksy music - and now, surprise, surprise ……Cliff Richard, our very own British Elvis!
I definitely didn’t see that one coming! 😅

@Marionville I have two favourite driving music: A CD of my friend Danny Sklapsky (I posted him once) on CD for my summer car AND a cassette tape I put together maybe more than 10 years ago of Cliff's 1st LP done in 1957 and an LP of Marty Wilde made around 1975 (?).
Eclectic! To surprise you more I love Gorecki, Ligeti and Preisner. I also love the Wagner Ring Cycle and Tristan and Isolde though I'd love them better if the voices were replaced by instruments.
I was definitely brought up on JSB but really encountered Baroque when I was in London 1969-1974. I often went to the RAH and the QEH. I saw Britten conduct the first performance of Purcell's Fairy Queen at the RAH with the Wandsworth School Boys Choir, Pears, Eswood Sheila Armstrong (can't remember the basso). In the cathedral, the choir master was trying to make a big name for himself and so we sang classics done by the best choirs including Spem in Alium. We were on CBC a few times. We had modern Murray Schaefer stuff written for us. Lots of old masses usually in Latin, sometimes stuff in French or German (Midnight Mass by Charpentier on Christmas Eve etc.


Yes I like driving to this sort of music.

Yep, Windows down, 75mph, no red lights!

And yes, I do drive a 5 speed manual, turbocharged SmartCar. His name is Zippy.

@Reignmond 65 mph is as fast as I want to go now. I had my fun 50 years ago in my MGBGT

@rogerbenham When I moved to Georgia it took me years to get instintively drive at 70mph. NY state was only 55.

@Reignmond 100 km/h = 62-1/2 mph maximum on most roads. 110 on roads where people like to get killed.

@rogerbenham One of the things that shocked me when I moved to Georgia wasthe number of Vehicle Rollover accident you hear about on the radio. Another one was my auto insurance went up by 80% more than I paid in the Bufdalo, NY area.

@Reignmond Talking vehicles! I own a '95 Subaru Loyale which is wonderful in winter 32 mpg, a 3/4 ton GMC pickup 2005 320,000 km on clock and a 2010 Honda Fit (my summer car) which I bought in 2010 for my wife. Less than 100,000 km on the clock 52 mpg. My English upbringing makes me convert litres and km to UK units which I understand. My MGBGT got 32 mpg. Was it 1698 cc?


To further prove the point...

Reignmond Level 7 Apr 3, 2022
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