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Con Te Partiro was written by Francesco Sartori, lyrics by Lucio Quarantotto and has become universally known and loved. They wrote it in 1995 for The San Remo Song Festival in Italy where it was sung and subsequently recorded by Andrea Bocelli. The following 1996 Bocelli recorded it as a duet with Sarah Brightnan and the English lyrics were added - Time To Say Goodbye…it became a worldwide hit. There have been many covers and recordings over the 27 years since it was originally recorded, both solo and duet versions, and most people would probably say the original ones are the best. I however think I prefer this duet version and lately I find myself listening to it more than Bocelli/Brightman original…
Time To Say Goodbye. - Russell Watson & Hayley Westenra.

…in case you can’t access the one above…
Marionville 10 July 13
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Beautiful song.



I did not know this. It is lovely. Like RHG the 1st version informed me as not being available but the second plays just fine. I preferred the female alone. I found his voice a bit cutting.

I sort of feel I need to be saying goodbye but I'm doing too much to keep my body healthy. That was the choice I made with Covid - that I'd do everything to better my immune system and wait 3 or 4 years before rushing into taking an untested drug. When I caught Covid my efforts proved themselves and I overcame it easily. However I've well passed 3 score and ten and am costing Canada to stay financially secure, plus my body is a far cry from 35 years ago and more deterioration is not appealing. Early on I made an official agreement with my doctor to not admit me to hospital with Covid but offer me MAID instead.

As long as you’re happy with your choice…it’s fine with me, I take all vaccines offered and trust the doctors, scientists and virologists to know better than me whether I am better with or without. I haven’t contracted Covid and am not really unduly concerned any more about catching it. I expect I will at some stage, but am sure if I do it will be milder than had I not been vaccinated. My sister in law is a doctor and she advised me to get vaccinated ASAP back in 2019 and to follow up with the boosters to maximise my cover. I always take the ‘flu’ jab which is offered annually each autumn and also had my children fully vaccinated as young children for MMR and TB. I don’t believe the vaccine is untested…it’s been tested by millions with a very small number of adverse reactions resulting in deaths….compared to the number of deaths occurring due to being unvaccinated.

@Marionville I have had a doctor advising me throughout and my own doctor content with my choices. Even Pfizer admits that they do not know long-term effects. Having had Covid I am unlikely to get it again worse.
Having died (cardiac arrest 2017) I have no fear of death. When I had Covid, the only person I saw for 3 weeks was the person from whom I caught it.
My wife and I never had the flu vaccines but took an over the counter naturopathic "Influenzin" remedy. But yes, I am happy with my choice. Anyone who says that I am a fool simply does not know me.
I take well tested (10 years) vaccines such as required for Thailand and Australia. I also had all the ones we got up until 1965.


Thanks so much for the second one Marje, as I couldn’t see the first one. 😘 Such a beautiful song!!

Yes….it’s really beautiful.


I love it and I will love it always and anyways no matter what and who I think . I have in purpose avoiding listening to it for more that 20 yrs , bcz it makes me cry , and not the good tears either .
I can’t see this version ,” not available “ . But will ytube and find it when I get home . ( at work ).
If u say it’s good , then I am sure it is ♥️🙌

Pralina1 Level 9 July 13, 2022

I forgot to say good morning 🙄
Good morning ms Margie ♥️♥️♥️

Good morning Pralina…I trust you’re not overworking in this heat…Europe and the south of England are in the grip of a heatwave and I hear it’s pretty hot in parts of the USA too! Sorry you can’t get the one I posted, but I’m adding this one…same recording, different video…❤️🥰

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