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Raffaella Carra was a very big star in Italy for decades from the mid-sixties until her death last year in 2021 aged 78. She was an an actress, singer, dancer and TV presenter and after moving to Hollywood in the mid 1960s, appeared in some very successful movies such as Von Ryan’s Express with Frank Sinatra and Our Man Flint with James Coburn. She also had many hit songs in Europe and other parts of the world in the 1970s & 80s….heres one of them - Ballo Ballo…

Marionville 10 Oct 10
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Nice voice. Fun song. But she did not need a microphone as the whole thing was mimed.

It was TV in the 80s Roger…almost all music was mimed…even the Beatles and the Rolling Stones were expected to mime because it saved money and was just easier for the studio managers without live equipment and sound checks..everyone knows that. It amuses me that some younger people continue to think they’ve spotted a bit of cheating when they watch well known singers and musicians on YouTube…they say “ah gottcha! …these famous singers are lip syncing because they couldn’t really sing live “….wrong you idiots, it wasn’t because of that at all, these guys could sing on key without autocorrect ..unlike today’s singers. Later it was outlawed…and rightly so!

@Marionville Top of the Pops was mimed but surely Ready Steady Go was live? Anyway that was the reason I watched RSG rather than the Jacobs show, besides which, I like so many young men, really fancied Cathy McGowan.

@rogerbenham I said MOST TV programmes in the 80s I know there were exceptions even in the 80s..however Ready Steady Go was earlier when they were actually mostly live! It was transmitted in the 1960s …between 1963-6. It was later, in the 1970s that the proliferation of pop music on TV made it just much easier to mime to recordings…especially on a programme of chart music, as they have to have all these musicians setting up live equipment…one act after the other with live cables and very little time on a live show for one act to vacate the stage before another came on…just logistically a nightmare for the stage managers at the TV stations.

@Marionville After the Cliff Richard show I moved to RSG and likely faded out watching it in '66 when I was getting into Pink Floyd, whom I saw at University in '66.


I’m always so impressed by women who can dance in high heels, and what a voice!! She was great! 😍


Oh wow ! Is this a bday gift ??? ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️This is GREAT for me !!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️Omg , how do u know , how do u always know ma’am ?? She was amazing voice ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Pralina1 Level 9 Oct 10, 2022

Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you…and many, many, many more of them Pralina❗️❤️❤️❤️

Hope you have the happiest birthday Pralina!! 😍

@Redheadedgammy yes ma’am . W the boys today , will pig out on pizza and Chinese and everything we normally don’t eat , and will sit on the couch that we normally don’t sit bcz not time 😂😂😂
And we got wine , so yay ! And we going to the woods ( park , but for those two tiny assholes is considering the woods 😂😂). And that’s great bday . I have a friend on stand by to order my Chinese later , bcz btwen my accent and their accent , it takes 30 minutes and not doing that shit today 😂😂😂😂💪💪💪

@Pralina1 Your day sounds divine! I only wish I could celebrate with you! 🤗😘

Happiest of birthdays to you. Hope you have a great time

@glennlab and yours this wknd , right ???♥️♥️

@Pralina1 Mine was last month, Sept 10, but I am having a great time in Vegas this week.

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