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I’ve just seen TV footage of the queues at the Santos stadium near São Paulo as the people of Brazil wait to pay homage and grieve for football legend and national icon Pele. He has been recognised throughout the world as the best footballer ever…and even people like me who don’t really follow the sport understand the pride the ordinary people feel, in a country where football is more than a sport but is almost a national religion. From all accounts Pele was a great ambassador both for his sport and his country, and the people of Brazil benefitted from his philanthropy and goodwill.

In homage I thought I’d post this piece of music by the other Brazilian legend Antonio Carlos Jobim - Aqualera do Brasil…usually just shortened in English to Brazil….

Marionville 10 Jan 3
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That was fun listening to that.

I thought the visuals might help!

@Marionville Actually not much! But the rythms were great>

@rogerbenham Bossa Nova rhythm…I really love it…


Love this tune!

Yes…I love it too.


Wonderful music! Brazil is on my bucket list. 😍

I’ve never been there…love to go.

@Marionville When I win the lotto we will have to go Marje!! 😘

@Redheadedgammy My son Neil and his wife Carly went to South America on their honeymoon…they visited Brazil, Argentina, Chile & Peru…said it was the trip of a lifetime.

@Marionville I bet it was a glorious experience! 😘

@Redheadedgammy I think so…


An amazing footballer, admired for his skill and style worldwide, but especially loved by Brazilians for his humanity, humility and zest for life, always ready with a smile, a dance or a song. Brazilians saw in Pele much of what they would like to see in themselves.

The-Krzyz Level 8 Jan 3, 2023

The newly elected Lula da Silva…the President, was a very close friend and he was there paying his respects with all the other people at the football stadium in Santos earlier today.

@Marionville And outgoing jerk Bolsonaro ran away and is hiding in Florida, like his North American role model!

@The-Krzyz Very likely!

@Marionville Truth as strange as fiction …

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