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I promise this is the one and only coronation related post I’m making, as I’m no fan of the monarchy nor am I a royalist. The only part of yesterday’s coronation I really waited in anticipation to hear sung live was the anthem composed by George Frideric Handel for the coronation of King George II in 1727. - Zadok the Priest. The girl choristers of Methodist College Belfast were given the honour of joining with the choristers of Westminster Abbey to sing yesterday, the granddaughter of a friend was one of the girls selected….said friend a very proud granny indeed!

Marionville 10 May 7
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Beautiful and wonderful camera angles too! Thanks for posting this. I didn't watch the entirety of the coronation live, as it was past midnight where I live, so I was going to watch the highlights on TV yesterday, but the re-run of the coronation was pre-empted on all television channels by a mass shooting. That's America for you!

Julie808 Level 8 May 7, 2023

Yes…I heard about that shooting in Texas…it’s just so sad that they keep happening every week!




Their voices are amplified so beautifully in that church. I'm not a fan of the monarchy, but it is interesting to watch the coronation.

Yes…it’s certainly a spectacle


Bewitching, I'm torn between the pompatus of love and war pigs.


Absolutely gorgeous! That's choral music at its finest!

Organist1 Level 8 May 7, 2023

Yes…sublime if you love that type of music…definitely majestic! I remember singing this at grammar school which is really where my love of choral music and singing were formed.

@Marionville I work as a choral director, and have been involved in choral music all my life, also as a composer, but my choir is not nearly as fine as this one, though they try! Getting kids singing early does promote a lifelong love of music. Thanks for posting this!

@Organist1 My pleasure…

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