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I was away with my choir family at the weekend..a social event wrapped around a concert engagement at Ards Friary in Co.Donegal…which is only a two hour drive from here where I live in Co. Tyrone, but of course it’s travelling to a different country. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking in that part of Donegal, and the weather and hospitality was outstanding too. Here is a little video clip of us at rehearsal run through prior to Saturday evening’s performance. We sang this as an encore item later in the evening as our programme was all music from stage musicals. Sperrin Choir - with our version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah!
….p.s. I’m almost visible (half hidden) at extreme left in second row. Because of the camera angle, 6’ tall Catherine is blocking me from full view! 😁🎶

Marionville 10 May 15
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Scurrilous slander about anyone's performance after the event misses the marjoram if not mark of how much I'm sure It was a very enjoyable performance, notwithstanding herbs.

Speaking of beautiful it's a lovely song to sing in the bathroom, hmm.

Polemicist Level 7 May 16, 2023

…no slandering anyone when I say we all sang to our strengths sour notes spoiling our herbs & spices just a feeling of choral camaraderie…no scurrilous suggestion however, of practicing together in the bathroom I may add! We’re all beautiful as I will paraphrase Captain Blunt…


Fantastic, Marje! Good sound from all of you!

Thanks Patricia…it was a lot of fun.

@Marionville Which is great after 3 long years.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Yes…it was so good to be able to do it once again!


Just a peek of you. That Catherine is a very big lady, Glad to hear your Cohen version. What is the median age in your choir? It looks older than ours.

I’d say about age 50ish probably…there were some younger choir members missing . Our full choir would have another 18 or 20 members who were unable for various reasons to travel with us at the weekend.


I saw a little bit of you Marje! This was so enjoyable! Thanks for sharing it with us Marje. 😘

It’s my pleasure Rhonda…


That was so delightful, thank you for sharing! It's the first time I've seen your choir (and can almost see you!) and it's very cool. It sounds like the whole weekend was outstanding.

Lauren Level 8 May 15, 2023

Yes…we had a wonderful time!


Your cheek is unmistakable.

Your breathing is impressive too.

Polemicist Level 7 May 15, 2023

K,d. is a goddess of breath control!

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