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Today …27th May, in 1971…John Lennon, accompanied by wife Yoko Ono, recorded “Imagine” in his Ascot Sound home studio at the 18th century Georgian mansion Tittenhurst Park, Sunninghill, Berkshire, England. The song has gone on to become one of the best loved anthems of world hope and peace….and wishful thinking…

Marionville 10 May 27
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One of his best.


One of three favourite songs of my wife. Wishful thinking perhaps but also perhaps the only way we can look forward into a future for ourselves.
The house got me thinking very left wing thoughts. There are the i% who own many huge homes and another 1 or 2 % who own big homes and somewhere down the line are maybe 40% who struggle to pay the rent for one room and maybe another 20% who do not have even that.
I remember the scene in Zhivago when the doctor returns to his now occupied mansion.
Am I free of guilt? No, I was brought up in a house with a single bedroom for every member of the family and a double bedroom unoccupied.
Lennon did not touch upon the enormous inequality of living surrounding us.

No…when he became wealthy and famous he bought that mansion …making up lyrics for songs of peace and equality but at the same time enjoying the fruits of his success by displaying elitism. It ever was the case…it’s human nature.

@Marionville So sad. I gave up wealth effectively in 1982.

@rogerbenham I’m not particularly interested in acquiring any more…I already have far too much stuff and really must start offloading it…

@Marionville I raided a dump and acquired masses of tin roofing and glass. That was maybe 15 years ago. In 2018 I had a house fire and lost much but somehow I still have much more than I need. The valuable stuff has gone but many people gave me stuff after the fire and Jeannie still had lots stored at her home.

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