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In 2001 the United Nations and its Secretary General Kofi Annan jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts at working to make a safer more peaceful world for us to live in. Sadly with wars raging in Ukraine, Gaza and many other places at the end of 2023 it would appear that it was a vain hope that the UN could continue to exert any influence or control over warring nations. Let’s remind ourselves of that hopeful moment when Hollywood actors Meryl Streep and Liam Neeson introduced a-ha on stage to sing their specially written song dedicated to peace at the Peace Prize concert in Oslo on this day 22 years ago. - Differences - a-ha, live…

Marionville 10 Dec 9
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In 1994 the UN hosted a major convention on overpopulation in Cairo, Egypt. Problem was too many countries paid no heed. Just like everything else, the UN needs money to operate and, again like so many others, it kowtows to corporations to get that funding.

jackjr Level 7 Dec 12, 2023

Thank goodness we have music to sooth our hearts and minds from all the hell we are witnessing in the world. Some days lately, I don't even open a newspaper or turn on the TV. I much prefer to listen to music. Thank you for posting this wonderful song. ❤️

Yes…it is quite beautiful. Written specially for this award ceremony by Magne…and sung flawlessly by Morten of course.. it’s sad that we can’t stop all the wars though, so many children are dying! 🥲


OK, this is pretty good! So sad that vetoes in the UN make it powerless. Today it is the USA demanding to allow mass killing by a nation of another. Mind you, they have a strong record of doing just that.

I know…yet they condemn Russia & China for doing the same thing.

@Marionville I remember that in my youth the United Nations played important roles coming in between waring factions. The Irish and Canadians and Swedish were often the heroes then. Sadly Canada has moved right and values its place under the USA and Nato. We can't afford Nato especially as we have to buy expensive stuff from the USA, which of course gives them a profit.
Three times in England I was a CND Aldermaston marcher after 4 years schooling close to Mildenhall US air base and hydrogen bombs. I grew to hate the presence of all those damn yanks on my land. M, you had Holy Loch of course and Tridon missiles.

@rogerbenham The Scots still want them out of Scotland!

@rogerbenham, @Maronville

In my area of my state the military, especially the Navy has a huge presence. Numerous Trident subs along the coast and a large Naval Air base on a large island just to our south. We are constantly bombarded with the sound of their Growler planes, considered the noisiest of all jets.
[] I have written many, what's known as scoping letters criticizing their overblown presence (as have many others). There have been judgements against their ignoring the Environmental Issue Statements, all to no avail.

@jackjr I once unwittenly camped on the beach right under the Comox Vodoo jet take off. Pure hell. Then camping in the hills in Wales with RAFsuddenly blasting a valley as the skimmed oner hill tops. Then hiking Striding edge in Snowdonia and seeing streaks blasting over Grassmere far below me. The RAF must love having people hating them,
A had a Knustford girlfriend whose home was under Manchester approach and My brother teaching in Eton was under Heathrow aprroach.

@rogerbenham These jets impact a large rural/residential area. Lawsuits have been filed and even won but the Navy simply ignores them. Seems their cause, to send a message to Asia, is more important than people's living conditions. I remember when we were trying to get Noriega out of hiding by blasting him with rock music. Funny, this is the same tactic being used by our own Navy but we have no escape.

@jackjr In so tiny Britain there numerous area of beautiful wild land closed to the public for military use only with signs warning of unexploded munitions.

@rogerbenham That is common in many lands but not here.

@jackjr Oh we have areas of Canada for exclusive military use.

@rogerbenham We do as well but I don't think there are any unexploded munitions there. A major base near me, Lewis/McCord actually have volunteers (civilian) come in and check to see how the environment is going on the base.

@jackjr Near Stonehenge is a large tank base which is closed to the public I know there are many wired off bases with warnings of unexploded munitions. Would not be surprised if Cold Lake in Alberta has such signs. You'd have thought that like a golf ball they'd want to see what happened.

@rogerbenham And all in the name of protecting the people from the other guys.

@jackjr Do you think that the military industrial complex cares anything about how many people are killed on either side? Or the bankers?

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