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A demonstration in celebration of classic Spanish Flamenco dance & music from Ballet Flamenco Andalucia at New York City Centre in 2016…

Marionville 10 May 3
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Superb dancing!! 💃 🕺


I like this type much better than the acrobatic, throwing someone around, lifts, & tumbling spins, etc.

Yes…I do too. The footwork is amazing.

@Marionville Well to me that's what ''dance'' means.....footwork, & legs, not acrobatics.


Beautiful but sadly badly edited.


Spanish Riverdance?

Yes…good analogy.


It really is pretty strange. Very difference form of dancing. The ability to do tap dancing. Hardly dancing together at all.

Irish dancing is danced separately too…never touching each other.

Very poorly edited video - chopping & changing from sequence to sequence doesn't allow for artistic development of the individual themes. . . It's like if someone took the most well known parts of each of Beethoven 's symphonies & strung them together as one piece!

@Marionville wasn't it more usually danced solo anyway without arm movement so that the infernal British trying to repress Irish culture wouldn't realise they were dancing?

@FrayedBear Nothing to do with the British…but good try to cast them as the villains!

@Marionville why does traditional Irish dancing not have upper body & arm movement then?

@FrayedBear It’s just a selection from a whole programme of dance to give a flavour of the whole. If you wish to watch the whole protracted performance lasting the best part of two hours you can search and find it for yourself!

@Marionville that still doesn't explain why Irish trad dancing has no arm movement\ upper body movement. I long ago read that it enabled dancing behind an open stable door.

@FrayedBear Because it has developed as a demonstration dance to highlight the footwork, leg, and head movements…in order to focus on that the upper body & arms must be still and straight in order not to distract .

@Marionville Is Beethoven 's Ninth protracted so you only listen to the Ode to Joy? Or perhaps you only listen\ sing the chorus?

@FrayedBear There’s nothing wrong with only singing or listening to certain, usually the more popular or familiar, parts of a musical work. Beethoven’s Ode To Joy was selected as the official Anthem of the EU because it is particularly liked and enjoyed by most people….even those with no interest or knowledge of classical music and the whole Beethoven composition.

@Marionville with typical insouciance you fail to note the difference between "Ode to Joy" a complete work in its own right and say just the chorus or the the ode to the complete ninth. But no doubt you will be thrilled with this performance:

@FrayedBear It is what it’s meant to be…amusing!


WOW! hear the ''gypsy?"

pamagain Level 8 May 3, 2024

Did your inner gypsy call out to you? Loved the lady in Red!

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