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Runrig were probably the best Scottish Folk Rock Band ever…they were certainly very popular with a worldwide following. Formed on the Isle of Skye in 1972, over the years they released 14 albums, many of them in Gaelic. They finally disbanded after 45 years with a world tour in 2017. Here I’ve chosen a live performance of The Greatest Flame with Brian Hurren on vocals in 2012 in Glasgow…

Marionville 10 June 4
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Lovely and soothing. ❤

Betty Level 8 June 4, 2024

You've posted other music by this group, and I've liked all of their music. This one is lovely with great lyrics. 👍


What happened to Tannahill Weavers or Battlefield Band? I loved their music in the Seventies and saw Tannahill in Vancouver in '81.
I'd not call this track Scottish Folk Rock.

It doesn’t matter what you’d call it…it’s only one song out of hundreds in their repertoire Roger, and I have posted quite a few others in the past which I think you may or may not have actually liked. Whether you like this one or not or think it’s Folk Rock or not is immaterial Roger…they called themselves a Celtic Folk Rock Band from Scotland…and that is what everyone else calls them too. Why don’t you post something by Tannahill Weavers or a different group if you like them so much instead of being so critical, of almost everything I post!

@Marionville Sounds like you're due your afternoon g&t or whatever equaliser you use Marge. You're sounding a bit waspish!

@FrayedBear Constant negativity gets me down at times…I’ll take your advice though.
So….cheers! 🍸

@Marionville it's my 1:37 am & I'm indulging in a hot electric blanket & responding to my few Agnostics notifications whilst soothing young Narla's nightmares with a reassuring pet as she sleeps alongside under her faux fur blanket. She pleased me immensely an hour ago by having, on command, emptied a well controlled bladder of a large quantity of urine. A change from her incontinence when I first took her on in January. Incontinence caused by her having been butchered at two months of age on instruction of barbarians practicing as vets & animal rescuers.

@FrayedBear I hope you and Narla get a good night’s sleep…

It’s 4.45 pm here and I’m just taking your advice….

@Marionville bottoms up.

@Marionville and thanks for the good wish. 5am. visits outside when the hoar frost is heavy, in case her restlessness means she wants a piddle, can be taxing. It's still dark till 7:30 am.

@FrayedBear Hoar frost in Australia?

@rogerbenham there's snow only 40 klms away in winter. S.Pole winds are cold.

@rogerbenham widespread & frequent. The landmass loses a lot of heat in the middle not having warming ocean around it. 30°C day : night temperature variance is common.

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