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It’s a sad reflection of how we as humans never seem to learn any lessons from previous wars and keep sacrificing our young men on the altar of some leader’s ambition, greedy expansionism and imperialist ideologies…especially applicable today in 2024 in Putin’s Russia. So today I’m posting this song performed by the late Russian bass/baritone Dimitri Hvorostovsky. It’s called Zhuravli or “The Cranes” in English. It is a poem by Rasul Gamsatov set to music by Yan Frenkel and was first performed in 1969. Gamsatov was inspired to write the poem after visiting the Hiroshima War Memorial in Japan and saw the Japanese tradition of folding paper into the white birds as representations of the men missing in action who never came home from war…in the words of the poem…
“I sometimes feel that the soldiers
Who have not returned from the bloody fields
Never lay down on the earth
But turned into white cranes”….

Marionville 10 July 28
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All wars end in negotiation, even total surrender is negotiated. So when this war has a negotiated end, I hope Russia re-releases what was proposed early 2022 and Zelenskyy asked why it was rejected by him at the final minute when his negotiators approved it. The world will be shocked when the true death toll is revealed from this conflict. Not to mention all those maimed.
I too dislike expansionism and imperial policies.

puff Level 8 July 28, 2024

Beautiful song, so sad.


A beautiful song & piece of music but I have mixed views considering the barbarity of many Japanese in WWII.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 28, 2024

I always wonder how brutal were some on "our" side. My godfather was shot down by the Japanese and was treated well by them.

We have barbarity in all armies…war itself is barbaric!

@Marionville Very true but there are degrees eg I would not play this beautiful piece in honour of IDF soldiers, who all deserve the Darwin award for dying whilst committing genocide.

@puff I’m not getting into the hierarchy of atrocities …I’m not playing the song for anyone but you guys here on this site.

@Marionville I know. Just commenting on the comment

@puff Marge prefers to think that it isn't happening.


War sometimes seems necessary, WWII for instance, but it is the children who suffer most while the billionaires profit.

Theresa_N Level 8 July 28, 2024

Yes…the war machine is big business and is hugely profitable for a few at the cost of countless number of lives…

War is not necesary. Hitler as M wrote had greed for more. But Britain, fearing the USSR allowed Hitler to break the Treaty of Versailles and re-arm. Britain also had been responsible for the punishing terms of the Treaty. The USA's treatment of Germany after WW11 helped them not suffer such retribution.

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