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The Rogues - “Itchy Fingers & Clumsy Lover”

rogerbenham 8 Aug 31
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(When this clip cat LEAPT off the desk and ran out of the room! Guess he's not a fan of the pipes?) Trying to imagine the title of the tune and how that relates......

pamagain Level 8 Aug 31, 2024

The mind does stray into rather risqué thoughts….

@Marionville Yes, it does!


American Celtic Band…

Some performances just leave you speechless. I'm sure that the band thought themselves the bee's knees.

@FrayedBear No doubt!

@FrayedBear Bees Knees? How many bands do not think themselves that? As long as they know 2 or 3 chords and have big amps ...

@rogerbenham once had a young woman pretending to be a folk singer who sang her one and only composition the lyrics of which were something like "fly me to the moon" repeated continuously for 3 minutes. She then thought that she had done enough for the night & wanted to be paid. I asked her if her vocabulary extended to more than 7 words - the lyrics + "pay me"!

@FrayedBear One of the facts of a life as a traditional folk singer is that payment usually comes as a surprise.

@rogerbenham I wouldn't know only having ever paid except in the case of two independent Scots on the same evening who were so delighted that I told them to play there favourites & that they got a good audience reception they waived them.

@FrayedBear I played at a festival this summer without pay.

@rogerbenham but surely the audience rewarded you with their applause? - Something worth far more to you atm than filthy lucre.

@FrayedBear Not when paying off debt resulting from being scammed.

@rogerbenham I didn't read about that! What happened?

@FrayedBear Well I was an idiot, wasn't I?

@rogerbenham greed? Forlorn love? Undelivered purchases? Hacker?

@FrayedBear Forlorn love.

@rogerbenham oh dear. I've seen a few taken in by that.

@FrayedBear Helping a damsel in distress.

@rogerbenham please send 10,000$ for flight grom Nigeria to be with you\ escape domestic violence\ standover drug dealers?

@FrayedBear Easy to mock.

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