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Yesterday I went to an afternoon concert by The Ulster Orchestra at Hill of the O’Neill, Dungannon, Co.Tyrone..which is about 13 miles from my home. It was a great treat to hear such a world class orchestra and not have to travel too far from home to do so, The programme was varied and quite delightful. This piece by Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian was amongst the music performed. Masquerade - this is from when it was used in the soundtrack of the 2012 motion picture Anna Karenina starring Keira Knightly…

Marionville 10 Sep 2
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A new Anna Karenina? Keira not looking happy at end and was the blonde happy? Very dramatic, fine music but can you imagine the smell?


@Marionville Knowing that washing if occuring happened in summer, by the time balls happened bodies must have got rank. Did they all just accept it? Sex must have been like a modern pigsty.

@rogerbenham They probably were so used to the smell of unwashed bodies that they became inured to it as normal.




I prefer this performance -

Guaranteed…but you don’t say which orchestra is actually performing in the one you prefer. The one I posted I chose for the visuals from the film…I didn’t post it because I thought it was the best performance. The Ulster Orchestra were superb playing it live yesterday, but alas I didn’t have access to a recording by them…

@Marionville I couldn't find a name in my posting.
My initial thought was to comment that I found it sad that the music had not been allowed to stand on its own aural attributes alone. Your visual post is a subsequent addition for the benefit of those lacking visual imagination.

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