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There’s an interesting show on BBC-PBS called Antiques traveling show. This is where various couples ride around in older cars visiting antique shops all over England buying antiques and then selling them at an auction. The purpose is to see which of the couple gets the most money from their selections. An aside is various places and sites along the roads are talked about and one area is known as Northumbrian. I had a friend living in Newcastle upon Tyne and visited him several times. I often heard the term Geordie used and often was derogatory. Watching the antiques road trip in the area of Newcastle I now understand some of that areas history. []

Covered in the little history lesson were some songs unique to the Geordie culture. Seems sometimes English is a foreign language as in this piece:
And up wi’ Geordie, Kirrn milk Geordie,
He has drucken the maltman’s ale,
But he’ll be nicket ahint the wicket,
And tugget ahint his grey mare’s tail.

Geordie folk tunes are big in the area and here’s one. Penka refers to marbles.

Newcastle is north of what’s known as Hadrian’s Wall. This was a wall built by the Roman separating the ‘civilized’ inhabitants, south and the barbarians to the north. Part of the wall is shown in the song video.

pedigojr 7 Sep 27
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After my mother died I was sent away to Quaker friends, where the daughter taught me this song (1966), It is all about a marble.
My university city, Durham, claimed Geordies came from Durham whilst those living in Newcastle, 15 miles North, were Tynesiders.
Hey, wor Geordie's lost 'is penker(marble)
Hey, wor Geordie's lost 'is penker
Hey, wor Geordie's lost 'is penker
Doon the double raw(double row of houses)

Well, it ralled reet doon the koondy(storm drain)

Soo he's gone ta fetch a claes prop(clothes line pole)

And he rammed it up the koondy

But the claes prop would na' fetch it

So he's gone ta fetch a terrier

And he shooved it up the koondy

But the terrier wad nae fetch it

So he's gone ta get goon pooda(gun powder)

And he poured it up the koondy

Then he set fire to the pooda
And he's blon the double raw

Hey, wor Geordie's foond 'is penker

It was in his bloody pooket
It was in his bloody pooket
It was in his bloody pooket
And he's blon the double raw

When I visited my friends brother he was a professor of Roman History at a local university. Still, he and his family lived in a typical row house which was not to comfortable. This was the late 70's and there was still a lot of poverty in the area. One year we visited, 1977, we were taken to a nearby town, Washington. It's where G. Washington's family lived. Of course the previous year there was a huge influx of tourists from the states. Going through the guest register I spotted a note from a HS I had attended in California.

@pedigojr Fascinating! And all those 3 years I schooled there I never ventured to Washington, though I heard of it. Mind you, I had little interest in the States then. But I learned much about mining.

@rogerbenham I think the place became very popular during the time leading up to the Bicentennial of this country.


My grandfather was a Geordie…from Gateshead and he spoke with a broad Geordie accent, but I must admit I found that song you just posted completely unintelligible to me! Btw the programme Celebrity Antiques Road Trip you referred to, has been going on the BBC for many years and it goes all over the UK…Scotland, England, Wales & Northern Ireland, and not just different regions of England.

Btw…one of the best known Geordies is Mark Knopfler of rock band Dire Straits, he’s a fantastic songwriter and one of the best guitarists ever…he was born in Glasgow and raised in Newcastle on Tyne …can’t beat that combo! ….

Thank you again for more information. I still have a problem with the difference between GB and England although you did say the different regions of England. On the shows it does go back many years but, I noticed once I start a series from several years ago it automatically presents that couple in an extension of the latest couple. Right now this is the 27th season. If I go back to, say the 20th season, the follow-up episodes become extensions of the 27th season. Actually, I'm also interested in the older cars being used (and the personalities of the couple). One season has a 78' MG Midget. I had 67 Healy Sprite which was a MGB Midget sans the chrome. The history of some of the antiques is also interesting. I am not a collector of anything (except maybe books). Still I often find the art and workpersonship (some items were made by women) of some older item amazing.

I wonder what the older, Geordie Folk musicians think of this music.

@pedigojr I just posted about Mark Knopfler in my World Music group earlier today…here’s a link to it…"Mark Knopfler is one of my favourite musicians…he’s a great singer/songwriter as well as being a...".

I think they’re extremely proud to have such a great Geordie singer/songwriter and musician to fly the flag for the Northeast of England. He’s a very humble and down to earth guy too despite his fame & success.

@Marionville Isn't Sting from up there? I know he's played in Durham Cathedral.

Did you know that the cathedral is head of the Palatine of Durham?

@rogerbenham. Yes to both questions…I did know that Gordon Sumner aka Sting is also from Newcastle which makes him a Geordie too. Also, yes to Durham being a Palatinate, although I’m sketchy about the history behind why it has this distinction.

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