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I’ve just watched the memorial service for Alex Salmond the former leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) and First Minister of Scotland from 2007-14.
He died suddenly on 12th October and it was fitting to hold his memorial service today on 30th November as today is St. Andrew’s Day, Scotland’s national day. The service which was held in St.Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh was televised and politicians and Scottish musicians & celebrities attended and contributed to the event in music and homily.
Dougie Maclean accompanied himself on the guitar to Caledonia, and Alasdair Fraser (fiddle) and Natalie Haas (cello) performed a couple of Scotttish pieces…🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Marionville 10 Nov 30
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Lovely to hear & see Alaisdair Fraser playing again with fingers still nimble. He has a lovely talented partner in Natalie Haas. They make a delightful duo.
Thanks Marje.
Btw did Salmond achieve anything?

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 30, 2024

Yes….his tenure was very beneficial for Scotland…it’s just a pity that they lost the Independence referendum…narrowly, but not enough people had faith in their own ability to run their own country. It would have been the making of Scotland if Salmond’s vision of an independent Scotland emulating Norway had been given a chance.

@Marionville So sad as I am sure that within 5 to 10 years Scotland would outshine England, other than the Royal Bank of Scotland nearly destroying the British economy (through over spending on banks in the USA). Doesn't Scotland have the highest proportion of inventers in the world?

Will I ever tire of Caledonia, though for be totally tied with my once wife and us singing it all over the place. Ifirst heard Tannahill Rovers in 1976.

@rogerbenham I think you mean Tannahill Weavers Roger - the Rovers are a football mob. Furthermore I don't understand what connection other than Scottish they have to Marje's post. Please explain?

@rogerbenham Tannahill Weavers sang another song with Caledonia in the words ….it was called Jamie Raeburn’s Farewell. I don’t think they were ever associated with this song called Caledonia which was written by Dougie Maclean and is principally associated with him.

@Marionville thanks for that info.

@Marionville Dougie was in Tanahll. That's where I first came across hin, acLeod was a total drunkard, Bourne did some fine solo stuff as well.

FB: Do I have to be relevant?


Great music! Thanks for sharing Marje, I liked both videos. 😊

Glad you did Rhonda.

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