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You know that musically I can’t stay away from Scandinavia, especially Norway, for very long and my thoughts are drawn there on these long dark winter days when there is virtually no daylight in the most northerly parts. I think that may be when they write such beautifully dark and melancholic music up there in the twilight zone….such as this 1989 song - Merciful Waters - from Jan Bang which I have loved since I first heard it a number of years ago. Jan Bang was quite young, only 21 when he wrote and recorded this song and has since then gone on to be one of the most innovative and successful Norwegian composers and record producers. The backing vocalists (unseen in this video) are Sidsel Endresen …and Morten Harket…who both harmonise and blend their voices so beautifully with Jan.

Marionville 10 Jan 4
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I pick my wife up today. She spent the holidays with her siblings. I went to Ireland in the winter and you are spot on about the daylight. At least it's not quite as cold as it gets here in Michigan. So far having a mild winter. Temps in the teens and twenties that's farenheit. That's minus six in Celsius at 20° fahrenheit. A good time of year to stay home and complete things around the house or work on an indoor hobby. Hope your new year treats you well.

PaddyO Level 7 Jan 4, 2025

Thank you…I trust your wife enjoyed her visit with the family, I visited my own son & his family at the beginning of December when the weather was very windy but mild. Since New Year it’s got appreciably colder and darker…today we had freezing fog, but luckily I didn’t need to go out for any stayed warm and cosy indoors. Although it certainly can be quite dark at this time of the year here in Ireland, I was actually referring to Norway which at this time of the year has only around 4 hours of daylight.

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