In the south west of England…in the county of Cornwall - for centuries they had a long tradition of male voices singing in the local pubs and inns, a tradition that some years ago a group in The Star Inn in the village of St. Just thought needed to be revived again…
What else do they perform?
Mostly traditional Cornish songs …from the Tin Mining and Fishing industries historically….here’s one which is probably quite typical…
@Marionville I the Cornish crowd in the pub are as rude as Australians talking through performances. I don't recall it happening in the '70s in the UK.
@FrayedBear It’s a Public House not a concert venue or folk club. The singers know that some people won’t want to listen, but prefer to converse with their friends…that’s what happens in every pub with live music…it’s different if it’s a paying audience who are there to listen principally, then a bit of quiet would be expected.
@Marionville Sadly I matured to folk music held in a back room of a pub having everyone sat in rows. Unless it was a disliked band the audience, usually 100+ were always silent & respectful. Many like myself were eventually inebriated, or should that be lubricated? Even at "free" gigs there wasn't the attitude of today. Perhaps it was different in N. Ireland and Edinburgh.
As you say it doesn't matter what the genre of music, today people are simply arseholes. But what do you expect with a "have I got a deal for you" crotch grabbing President of the USA. I surprised that he didnt grab ERII' s when he met her . . . or was he one of the ones, like the Israeli Jew who was Prime Minister that she refused to meet?
@Marionville Eric Bogle wrote a song expressing his feelings on rude audiences-
This is great but I had to wonder how the songs change as the beer continues to flow.
They sound better of course…as most drinking songs do!
@Marionville It might also be more fun to watch.
@pedigojr Infinitely so!
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