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The Greatest Bolero Singer in Puerto Rico will always be this guy... Tito Rodriguez. Back in the 50's and 60's Tito Puente and Tito Rodriguez had the Best two Latin Music Orchestras in New York City... both band leaders played the same instrument... Timbales, both named Tito... but Tito Rodriguez allowed Tito Puente to be the "King of Timbal" because He became the Voice of the Bolero that couldn't be equaled anywhere in Latin America. This is the first song that may had caught my attention still a Boy watching Grown Men putting coins in the juke box to listening to this song while drinking rum 'n coke or beer or whiskey or gin... never wine. I could see them going through their Feelings. And I couldn't wait to grow and get me a Girl Friend to be like them... The title is "Inolvidable", "Unforgettable" but not the American Nat King Cole song. Many Songs in Spanish with that title. If you ever asked Tito Rodriguez who was the best Romantic Singer in Puerto Rico he always said his Older Brother Johnny Rodriguez, a Trio and Quartet Singer with an Amazing Voice just as his Brother but Johnny's Life choices put him in a different trail where he Opted a Different Lifestyle and he retired early only to show up his art a few times a decade on TV. Here is Tito Rodriguez Inolvidable.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Feb 29
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I’ve heard this song before...can’t remember who was singing it...may have been Julio Iglesias.

Sure he did... Tito set the standard for singing romantic back in the 50's and 60's. No One anywhere did a better Bolero. He was married to a Japanese Lady and moved to Puerto Rico before he died. His house in "Ocean Park" was and may still be a landmark because was built Japanese Style.

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