14 2

Do you have a coping mechanism that works for you? How about one that works against you?

I cope with my ADD by organization and routine-- but also I use techniques to anchor me in the present moment. Such as writing notes or doodling, when I don't need to do so. But, I also cope with certain sensitivities of mine by not getting too close to other people. You?

silvereyes 8 Feb 11
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12-step group, taking with others who have an emotional clue, lifting, my cats, stopping and thinking before opening my mouth, daily inventory. Hell, sometimes even this site. Need to get back into meditation.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

I am a beginning with 13rdteen step kind of guy.

@GypsyOfNewSpain Not sure I understand your comment?


My copings very easy. Walk my dog, take a shower, give her a bath, lay in my bed, my dog curled up by my side, watching a movie, and falling asleep in the middle of it.

Tyler1293 Level 2 Feb 11, 2018

I have my dogs to walk and love the seasons and walking through the woods. The bird song and fresh smells walking in nature is my grounding mechanism and if i happen to see a deer that makes my day.

Tiffanny Level 6 Feb 11, 2018

Does alcohol count?

Dammit. Beat me to it.


I give myself an ample amount of me time, visual imagery meditation and being aware of my self talk.....oh. And sometimes masturbation...Wait that falls under my first coping skills listed. Nevermind

Rudy1962 Level 9 Feb 11, 2018


@EricTrommater depends how one defines sometimes


You have to teach yourself not to be afraid of being happy. The easy way is to flat line your emotions. ergo the not getting to close to others. Just remember everyone has trials and tribulations, many and varied. My great grand mother (born in 1887 and raised me) gave me the best advise when I was a morose teenager "you are only as mad as you want to be!"


I’m autistic and use lots of social scripts do get through the day. Most of the time they work, but neurotypical people sometimes catch me off guard and my scripts get jammed and then I have a mute episode. Other coping methods I use is spirituality via witchcraft.


Unfortunately my crisis response is smoking. The red mist descends and I light up.

Hicks66 Level 7 Feb 11, 2018

Exercise, and my dogs. Of course, there have been times when either of those were the cause of stress. But, generally, those are what de-stress me the best.

Condor5 Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

In ear headphones heavy metal blasting whenever in public

Simon1 Level 7 Feb 11, 2018

@silvereyes . Hellyeah .five finger death punch , shine down . AC/DC . White snake . .nickel back .Kobra and the lotus helloween

Aren't you concerned about hearing loss?

@Condor5 what ??? What ???

@SimonMorgan1 so, it has affected your eyesight, too? ;^)


I used to do escapism and still do when I want to sleep and not sleepy. In my youth I created rock bands and salsa bands... did album covers and titled songs in their albums... Drawings of them on stage... There may had been 20 bands. I was very creative. Maybe that is how I started writing songs. If that is the case I am very grateful, I still write songs. I tell you... you give me a pencil and a notebook and there was not a better toy in my childhood.


I cope with a lot of things by hiding behind my closed door until Monday morning when I have to go out into the world with the crazies again. Booze also helps. It removes warts and blemishes. Not from you but from other people. (That's a Jackie Gleason quote.)

DenoPenno Level 9 Feb 11, 2018

I have this unexplained need to make noise paper when I'm stressed. Not sure if it's because it keeps my brain busy or what but I've done it since I was a kid.

Malara Level 5 Feb 11, 2018

I hate when I skip typing a word. I could edit the post but I'm not falling for it!

Anyways, as in tapping paper. The sounds paper makes is actually very soothing to me. It's a harmless habit I tell you. Everyone would do it too. Stop staring at me.


My memory SUCKS - I have a good, old-fashioned, paper calendar, without which I would surely be fired! And yeah, and I CAN'T survive a meeting without making to-do or to-buy lists....a compulsion.

koshkamat Level 6 Feb 11, 2018
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