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Do you agree with Aristotle? “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

silvereyes 8 Feb 24
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Almost if helping ones fellow is the source of said happiness


Happy is a meal at McDonald's

Sticks48 Level 9 Feb 25, 2018

@AwarenessNow You nailed it.🙂


I balk somewhat at "the meaning and the purpose," but I think it's a noble aim to have, not only for one's own life or the lives of those around us, but for humanity as a whole, now and for future generations. Sometimes we individually forego the happiness we hope others will experience.

resserts Level 8 Feb 24, 2018

@silvereyes Yeah, I'd usually make a distinction between happiness and contentment, but I this case the quote seemed to be about general striving rather than the specific persistent state of mind, so I decided not to make my usual comment about that difference.




I don't think so. The meaning of life is what you make of it. What gives your life meaning and purpose? Doing that will help you achieve happiness. However some people won't be happy because they choose not to be.


Back then, probably. Times have changed. That stuff is important, but there’s more going on now.

Boontniiks Level 2 Feb 24, 2018

A good philosophy if one can stick with it. James

Leon Level 5 Feb 24, 2018

I do not, it seems silly to say life has a purpose and if it did the purpose could be achieved by some drugs.


I like it as a personal goal, our sentience is only a recent thing, survival of the species and of life itself is more the purpose of our lives.

Rugglesby Level 8 Feb 24, 2018

I'm more curious about Epicurus, Aristotle walks with a waddle. 🙂

jeffy Level 7 Feb 24, 2018

I think happiness is as good as it gets and having fun etc. we all got shit coming our way and have already had some. make the most of your happy times.our genes purpose is to reproduce but there isn't a meaning.


It certainly doesn't hurt to be happy. Having a sense of purpose is great and can keep you charged and moving forward but when objectively observing the aggregate of brutality and despair that exists in the world neither purpose or happiness can do the trick on their own. I think you need both, a healthy dose of realism/skepticism with a tinge of optimism mixed in for flavor. Besides, what would happiness be without sadness? It would likely become a stale state of being that would lead to a jaded pursuit of the next best thing.


not really - I like the intention behind it yet I think "the whole aim" is a step too far for me - I don't know if 'happiness' stretches to all the imaginings that I have for what my aim is in life. I think also that misery and disappointment have taught me in my life to enjoy the happiness the laughter and joy when its there and to persevere when its not .

jacpod Level 8 Feb 24, 2018

And then my friend, it’s the end. James

Leon Level 5 Feb 24, 2018

There are way too many other worthwhile and even necessary goals where 'happiness' doesn't enter into it. A lot of life is scary and painful. Searching for happiness can get in the way of making your peace with that truth.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Feb 24, 2018

I don't think there is a reason for human existence, but since we're here, searching for happiness seems like the best way to fill the time we have.

Benthoven Level 8 Feb 24, 2018

I like Aristotle, but Satre had a better understanding of the human condition. Life is without meaning or purpose. You make your meaning as you go.

Gatovicolo Level 8 Feb 24, 2018

He may have been onto something. People around me are constantly upset or offended. I have plants and guitars. It isn't difficult to choose...

Holysocks Level 8 Feb 24, 2018

He never got to know things I know but... yeah happiness is where is at!!!! I can not live Sour... I can live Sad because I write out of sadness until I am sad no more but Sour... I can not do.

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