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Where do you like to buy most of your food? I like to go to a place called Sprouts sometimes, but they're a bit expensive on some stuff. So, I end up going to about 3 different stores totally. I wish we had a better farmers market here. The year-round one is disappointing. I've heard of some co-ops. But, never tried one.

silvereyes 8 Mar 2
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If you have an Aldis , they're great and priced really good.

Buddha Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

@silvereyes I also like Sam's club or Costco.

Yes, Aldis,,,they're great....hi Butler guy. Do you like the one by Walmart or the one in Bon Aire? I'm a Bon Aire fan.

I like them both, but the one by Wal-Mart is more convenient for me...


for my organic fruit & vegies i have 3 choices where i live: an italian greengrocer a bit further down the road, but the cheapest; so if i buy for one week it's worth the drive. then there is the local healthfood shop, quite expensive. & last but not least the farmers' market, though it's not all organic. most important to me, apart from being spray-free, if not organic, that it's locally grown, which means low foodmiles.


Texas farmers markets have a rule that the produce has to be grown locally. Nice! But local means within the State. That could be 600 miles away. That is not 'local'.


We have Fresh Thyme in Omaha, I really like it. We have Whole Paycheck, Natural Grocerers, and Trader Joe's.


I tend to go to the local"international" markets. Much larger fresh produce selection, a huge variety of spices & they tend to have fresher seafood. There are local farms where I can buy farm raised meat. I raise laying hens so I only have to walk to the coop for eggs. I also have a small garden of my own.

@silvereyes I'm lucky I work in town & pass Hispanic, Asain, Indian, Middle Eastern, etc markets all the way home. Someone had the idea to combine then into 1 super market. It is awesome! Lots of variety & lots of vegetarian options (I'm trying to expand my culinary skills, making hearty, satisfying, meatless meals).


I go to eitherTrader Joe's or my favorite local supermarket..sometimes Wholefoods for specific things..

Charlene Level 9 Mar 2, 2018

Sprouts is one of 4 places I shop. I have specific things I get at each. Sprouts, I get bulk items for my own trail mix and occasionally some produce or bread. Smith's (a.k.a. Kroger's) for most organic foods, canned goods, paper products, cat food & litter, frozen foods and some produce, Costco, for White Vinegar, EVOO, and some produce and finally Cuevas, small Mexican store at the end of my block, usually very good prices on produce, plus their homemade salsas and pico de gallo.

BeeHappy Level 9 Mar 2, 2018

We have a lot of small towns that have local produce which is great. General groceries are from a supermarket, but most actual food we grow and swap with others.

Rugglesby Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

For produce, I shop at Publix. For meat, there's a place in Tifton called Curtis Packing, that is the absolute best. For just about everything else, as much as I hate it, I go to Walmart. It's still cheaper than just about anywhere else.

KKGator Level 9 Mar 2, 2018

@silvereyes I know!!! They have the BEST sweet tea, which I've given up. Their deli counter is fantastic, and they have such good fried chicken.


Trader Joe's. It's the best, Jerry, the best.

Condor5 Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

@silvereyes too bad, they've got the best stuff at good prices.

@silvereyes I really don't like too many choices in a store.


I got to shop at Sprouts while visiting Marietta a few weeks back. It's awesome! Like you, I have to hit numerous stores to get all that's on my list.

Zster Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

Tesco my local supermarket. I can walk there and do everything in one place. I hate shopping in general.

Daddio Level 4 Mar 2, 2018



I'm in western PA, I go to Giant Eagle. This is a big chain here. They also have gas stations (called "Get-Go"s). For each $50 in food you buy from the Giant Eagle and you get 10 cents a gallon off a gas purchase from the Get-Go. And the food isn't over-priced. I'm gonna buy the food, anyway, might as well save on the gas, too.

chuckles Level 6 Mar 2, 2018

Whichever shop is nearest to where I am at that time.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 2, 2018


I despise wal-mart. I refuse to give them my money. I'd rather pay more to go somewhere else...and I do.

It's all I can afford.

@Sarahroo29 That stinks. I understand. 😟

@Indubitably Yeah.


Becoming a big fan of Trader Joe's.

bleurowz Level 8 Mar 6, 2018

I tend to use lidl for the basics and farmers for my fruits and veg, I know a lovely woman who has 15 chickens so thats where I get eggs and a wonderful fishmongers (steve hatt) near the angel

wotsthat Level 6 Mar 3, 2018

Lidl just opened up near us , they have a lot of good deals and quality foods . They don't stock everything , their based in Germany and carry a lot of European goods . Great bakery and wine selection .

Besalbub Level 8 Mar 3, 2018

We mostly shop at Winco, Trader Joe's, and our local asian and indian markets. We have a large garden plot, and raise most of our veggies.


Arizona has a chain called Safeway. Walmart’s produce just can’t compete. There are these apples I buy that are to die for.

Marz Level 7 Mar 2, 2018

There is a a store called Food Town that I go to that sells food from every corner of the world. It is a huge super store with one or two isles dedicated to different parts of the world. Korean, Chinese, Jamaican, Haitian and other Caribbean countries, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladesh, Middle eastern, Different African nations. They also have fresh vegetables from those countries and fresh meat that people from those counties are used to cooking. All kind of different spices from all over the world.

noworry28 Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

Whole Foods or Kroger’s. Both have good qualitiy food if you look

JohnHanna Level 2 Mar 2, 2018

I used to frequent Sprouts when I lived in Arizona. Miss it.

Up here we have Wegmans, which one might regard as a larger and more affordable version of Whole Foods, with effective management added in. Most of our groceries however come from a much smaller regional chain (7 or 8 stores) a block up the road from us, which is also pretty good and has a nice selection of organics.

mordant Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

Whole Foods, Krogers, 2nd Street Farmers Market, Grow

jeffy Level 7 Mar 3, 2018
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