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Have you ever been on a strict diet? Were you able to make any good eating habits stick long-term? I try to make small lifestyle changes in increments. For a long time, I used My Fitness Pal and I tracked calories. I mostly liked it, because it forced me to pick and choose what I was eating and to eat smaller portions... and, I was a vegetarian for awhile. But, now I eat reduced meat and reduced grains. It's not a specific diet with a fancy name or following-- I've never been on one of those!

silvereyes 8 Mar 4
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Yes I eat strictly daily..

Charlene Level 9 Mar 4, 2018

I have been on several very strict diets; liquid fasting and Atkins. I will not do it again. I do best when I reduce sugars and eat less meat, more veggies and drink lots of water. Problem being I'm a stress eater, my job is uber stressful and the office is full of chocolate and other goodies. They do feed us well, just not healthy.


Type 1 diabetic since 16. I had to learn to count carbs and read labels. You can do anything when your life depends on it. Still I cheat , then use more insulin than I should. Relax. Just move more.


Some extremely inadvisable ones when I was young!

Jnei Level 8 Mar 4, 2018

I am currently on a no flour, no sugar diet. I always feel better when I cut that from my diet. I have lost weight in the past by doing this, so I'm hoping it has the same effect this time around. I eat when I'm stressed or bored. It's been a looong, stressful winter.

Cutting out flour,processed sugar and most processed food makes such a big difference.


I have naturally super high triglycerides, so HAD to make changes or plan on dieing young. I was told to reduce carbs. I already exercise (bulging discs) and avoid processed foods after watching cancer kill my husband. Like you, I used My Fitness Pal to track. It's a terrific TEACHER! I learned what adjustments to make to balance macros etc. I also use the recipe feature to avoid convenience foods (processed and suoer high carbs, typically) and make my own.

I am more than willing to talk details if you want to. An accountability buddy is never a bad idea for me.

Zster Level 8 Mar 4, 2018

I'm diabetic. Eight or nine months ago all the numbers the doc checks you with were way too high. Both my father and brother died from complications stemming from diabetes. So I changed the way I eat. It's only a diet in the sense that it is what I eat. But I don't eat sugar or anything with white flour. I don't eat processed foods and only a little carbs, mostly beans and oatmeal. Sounds terrible huh? Well I eat a lot of vegies and fruit. No red meat but chicken and dairy; I love milk. I originally lost 25lbs but not recently. When I stress out I really want sugar but so far so good. I think about what this will do to having a relationship and think it will be a mess.

msmarple Level 4 Mar 4, 2018

I tried a few times. Every time, I was miserable--even more fatigued and sleep-prone and irritable. Nowadays I just try to cram as much veg into my face as I can and call it done.


I went vegetarian about 15 years ago. That has been pretty easy to stick to. I've done liquid fasting over the years, from a few days up to a month or so. And over the past couple of years I've done a few extended periods of high intake of raw fruits and vegetables with no processed foods. I'm doing it now, in fact, though I have eaten some roasted, unsalted peanuts, kalamata olives, and hot sauce. It's somewhat difficult, as it can feel boring sometimes, but it's not too bad generally. I started doing it because I had joint pain in my shoulders and was trying anything to make that stop. The pain eventually went away, but I dong know whether my diet had anything to do with it, but I do notice my joints in general feel better when I eat this way. I also become less lethargic and am more alert. And I tend to lose some weight, though I'm not noticing much this time around, but it's been only a month or so and I haven't been paying much attention. Maybe after a couple more months I'll notice a bigger difference.

resserts Level 8 Mar 4, 2018

@silvereyes It was weird, like inflammation that settled into my shoulders, deep in the joints. It was painful just moderately throwing a ball a few feet. I've had strange ailments over the years, though, like plantar fasciitis in both feet at the same time for a few months, and then it went away. Or when I had skin numbness down one side of my body that seemed to spread for a while, maybe a few weeks, and then went away. I probably should have seen a physician for some of it, but... shrug


I'm not on a diet. I eat healthy foods and I eat a lot of vegetables. I drink mostly water now. I don't gain weight. I end up losing it faster than gaining it. I rarely drink soda. I use my Fitbit Charge 2 to track all the walking I do. I'm 95 lbs from 1 week ago. Well, I don't eat junk food or candy. Never candy. So a no candy diet then.

@silvereyes Yep.


Oh you don't have to diet , have you just tried a varied diet and eating slowly, only eating after eight in the a.m and up to eight of the p.m - I'm probably lucky in that I;ve never had to diet - unsure now if I answered your question - sorry

wotsthat Level 6 Mar 4, 2018

If a "diabetic diet" counts, then yes, I have been on one for >30 years. It was a huge change initially, having to give up things like sugary soda, Hostess cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies, and other sweet foods. My diet is not to be confused with a "typical" Type II diabetes diet, which often emphasizes weight loss/control. My diet is a "typical" Type I diabetes diet, which emphasizes controlling carbohydrates, especially sugars and other fast-acting carbohydrates.

It took a while to make the change. In the early days, I would justify eating sweets before bed "to avoid getting low in the middle of the night." It was an irrational fear, mostly, and eventually I stopped bingeing on sugar before bed. My blood sugars got better because of it, since no sweets before bed meant no blood glucose reading of >300 the next morning.

I have used My Fitness Pal in the past, but it was for counting carbohydrates so that I could properly dose my insulin, not for weight loss. I stopped using MFP when I got a new Android phone that has Samsung Health on it. It allows me to track my blood sugar (I now track that using two different methods,) my blood pressure, my weight, my food intake, my water intake, my caffeine intake, my stress level, my exercise, and I could track several other things as well if I enabled those modules. It also counts my steps during the day and the amount of "active" time per day.

Using Samsung Health the way I do does make mealtime a bit of a pain, but that's because I'm careful to record everything I eat -- including condiments (you might be surprised how much sugar is in some BBQ sauces!!) Then, after recording the food, I record my blood sugar and the amount of insulin I receive from my pump for the meal. Depending on what I am eating, recording it may go quickly if it's a meal I have frequently and have saved it, or it can take me 5 minutes or more if I'm eating something that is unusual for me. The BG and the insulin generally takes only about a minute.

I "cheat" once in a very great while, normally for a special occasion. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, and I usually indulge quite generously and, sometimes, even allow myself a small slice of pie. I almost always have to do a correction a few hours after eating (going through the mealtime routine with the blood sugar and insulin pump, but not eating -- forcing the pump to deliver only the insulin needed to get the blood sugar back to good.)

So my diet isn't very specific, but I do have to be ever vigilant about carbohydrate, since that is what affects the blood sugar.


I went on a strict meal plan about 5 years ago. I was working out twice a day at the time, so I still dropped over 20 pounds over 4-5 months. It was something I was trying to prove to myself, but that's another story.

I can't do the vegetarian diet. At least not until the lab meat is available to the public.

Marz Level 7 Mar 5, 2018

since a spell of lymphoma 2 years ago i have a generous amount of turmeric in each & every dinner, the ascessible way, in olive oil with freshly ground black pepper. it keeps inflammation at bay.


I'm on a no tyramine diet for my debilitating vestibular migraines.

Gohan Level 7 Mar 5, 2018

As I have gotten older I have changed my diet. No beef or pork. Smaller meals, eating through a little hard and there through the day. I seldom walk out of a restaurant with out a to-go box. Two meals for the price of one.

Sticks48 Level 9 Mar 4, 2018

The biggest change I can tell anybody is to throw soda pop out of your diet. Doesn't matter if it says 'diet' or not, it is pure garbage. As for diet, I don't do gluten, but not out of choice. I started getting these rashes and headaches every time a drank beer...the headaches began to be migraines (to which I would drink until it was gone, which took a lot of beer). Then I noticed I didn't feel great every time I had noodles...which was all the frickin' time. So I stopped and everything else stopped. Now gluten free. Ta da!


I was on this really limited diet and I saw success in weight loss. However, after I got through the time of the dieting, I put some weight back on. I think I need to just stick with the diet as a lifestyle change, but I enjoy food so much.


Diabetic since I was 4, vegetarian since 18.
The only time things feel "strict" is looking at the utter lack of vegetarian options at most restaurants. At home? Not a problem at all- a lot of "normal" Americanish foods convert easily- soups and sandwiches, chili, pasta, pizza, starches of all kinds, Mexican, Chinese, etc.


I did South Beach for awhile, but it was to restrictive for me. I lost weight, probably about 15 pounds. But with my travel schedule it was almost impossible to stick to.

CS60 Level 7 Mar 4, 2018

I believe everyone is entitled to eat and chose whatever lifestyle they want to if you wanna eat meat or just fruit and veg or fish or whatever it's individual choice and as such nobody should try and tell you how to run you're life..

Wynter75 Level 5 Mar 4, 2018

I am too undisciplined to adhere to a diet.


I had a stomach ulcer when I was 25 and was told to take a grape diet . That's grapes with seeds and nothing else for 2 weeks then add certain foods back to ones diet gradually and figure out what it is that's bothering you. turns out it was stress . So I quit my job and never looked back !


I find that I eat much healthier if I bring my lunch to work instead of trying to find food out. I often bring salad with a bean salad as part of it. Just canned beans (black beans, lentils, black eyed peas or a combination of any kind) mixed with some red wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar, a little olive oil, 1/2 minced garlic clove, lemon juice, salt & pepper and maybe a little minced onion or red bell pepper added. It's good with a salad of mixed greens, avocado and other salad ingredients.

TerriCity Level 7 Mar 6, 2018

I have mostly stopped eating meat and wheat, and to a lesser degree other grains. It can be challenging, but it's the best way to control middle- age spread, feel healthier and it makes me feel better to not contribute to industrial animal production.

TerriCity Level 7 Mar 6, 2018
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Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

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Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

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