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What's your favorite way to get your protein? I was vegetarian for a long time-- and still eat a heavy plant-based diet. Though, I really like nut butters. Especially a natural hazelnut/chocolate blend (healthier version of nutella). So good with a banana. ^_^

silvereyes 8 Mar 20
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I'm sure that you know that there are many sources of protein and there are umpteen articles available online. The sheer glut of information on diet is almost mind boggling even if you ignore those who prey on our fears and have a vested interest in promoting some product.

ASTRALMAX Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

Lots of beans (GasEx on the side), some nuts, some seafood.

TerriCity Level 7 Mar 20, 2018

Lol. Definitely gas-x!

I rarely have issues with gas. My guess is that is because I eat a higher fiber diet. Nothing stays inside long enough to ferment.


Peanut butter rules. Gimme the jar and a spoon and I'm good to go🙂


I like almost all proteins - nuts, meat, fish, cheese, almost all beans, eggs, etc. -- all EXCEPT tofu. I have peanut butter every day and cannot imagine life without it. I really don't have a favorite protein though.

BlueWave Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

I eat nuts, eggs, meat, and fish. Not a fan of tofu though. It creeps me out!

Donna_I Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

I love beans. Chickpeas and black beans are my go-to. I make black bean burgers and throw chickpeas in anything I can. I recently worked chia seeds into my daily diet, too. I make chia pudding for breakfast and it's delicious!

NicThePoet Level 7 Mar 20, 2018

@silvereyes It's part chia seeds, part almond or coconut milk. I use 1 cup almond milk and four tablespoons of chia, sweeten it with some raw sugar and vanilla, mix it really well, then refrigerate overnight. It comes out like healthy tapioca.

@silvereyes Oh! I love tempeh, too.


Seafood, hands down

Rugglesby Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

Consume some meat, like raw cashews, almonds and peanuts.


I like hamburger now. I used to hate meat. I sometimes do now. I drink protein shakes though. Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

Sarahroo29 Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

Fish, egg whites, chicken, lentils, chickpeas.. I mean the usual stuffs.

Srijith Level 7 Mar 21, 2018

Quinoa, nut butters, soy curls, rice and beans(what Buddhists call "meat without the bones" ).

AzVixen52 Level 7 Mar 20, 2018

Protein is misunderstood.
we need much less than most think.
Protein deficiency is called kwashiorkor. Most people have never heard of it.
(very rare in developed countries)
Even if you eat a low protein diet, the body actually gets better at re-using amino acids.
Iam not a fruitarian, but if you talk to them, they will tell you also.
a vegan diet is heal;thy and much more natural than meat-eaters diets.
the only thing Iworry about is getting fatty acids.
easily solved by 4-5 teaspoons of unrefined- coconut oil, and 4-5 of extra-virgin olive oil every week.

Ilove this Doc...
Dr. Michael Greger - Do Vegetarians Get Enough Protein?

BradMayeux Level 2 Mar 20, 2018

this is good information!! thank you!


I just eat. No diet. Feed, chew, swallow. Repeat until full.


YUM! So little I can eat any more, though. I have to eat whatever improves my health, and drop anything that causes problems, and chocolate has enough caffeine to keep me up two nights in a row.

I also can't eat fruit or it can affect my vision.

birdingnut Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

Well, I like chocolate and hazelnut too but I can not expect a good outcome when I over indulge. LOL I eat alot of vegetables and my favorite fruit is apples, blueberries and bananas. But my protein comes from organic chicken, grassfed organic beef and wild caught salmon. Now I'm hungrey.


Personally, my favorite source is the source I raise right here on this property. I have a small flock of pasture-raised chickens that are a self-sustaining source of protein.


My favourite source is steak with mushroom sauce. Of the sources my Dr has not banned or that I can still afford, black beans with brown rice and salsa.🙂

RobAnybody Level 7 Mar 21, 2018

I eat lots of black and other beans, quinoa, nuts, nut butters, chia seeds, eggs, fish, and sometimes cheese. I try to eat less meat, so only occasional beef, chicken and even more rarely pork. I fixed corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes for St. Patrick's day for my kids. Have to have meat when the kiddoes come over for dinner. I avoid soy based products like tofu, too much soy will trigger hot flashes due to the phytoestrogens that soy contains.


I got the meat.

jeffy Level 7 Mar 20, 2018

i am vegetarian. have eggs & whey or hemp protein in smoothies, tahini & nuts for snack, & beans, chickpeas & tempeh in dinner.


I'm doing the usual soy, quinoa, peanuts for plant based. Since I'm ovo-lacto, I still do whey and egg protein.


steak seafood eggs

weeman Level 7 July 21, 2018

I don't worry about getting enough protein. Protein deficiency isn't a thing that exists in humans who get enough total calories. As an extreme example, google Dr. Walter Kempner. He conducted a number of studies in the 60's where his patients ate white rice, fruit, fruit juice, & white sugar. The sugar was to reduce the protein intake down to 5% of total calories. None of them ended up being protein deficient. What they did end up with was reversals of kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes & obesity. While nobody would actually want to live on that diet, it can be done, & there were no negative side effects.

davyjones Level 6 Mar 22, 2018
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